Chapter Ten: Floor 9 (100 Acre Wood)/Argument with Amanda

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Floor 8 Exit/Floor 9 Enter................................................(8-9)

Darcey enters the Eighth Floor Exit Hall, feeling very dried after leaving Atlantica. Donald, Goofy, Twitchy, Faith and Jiminy shook off the remaining water on them. But it vanished off them, just as they left Atlantica. She sees Amanda walking to the next floor and gasps. She then runs to Amanda, but it wasn't with open arms instead it was strict order. Amanda ordered "Take the hint...Darcey. I told you to go home, back to your backwater pathetic island." But Darcey refused and said "No, I'm not going home without you or Phoenix. So I'd won't go home, not until I rescue you and Phoenix.". Amanda just scoffed and said "Hmph! I don't remember ever asking you to rescue me. Get it through your head, or is too big with all the knowledge locked away in your brain?". Darcey felt a bit insulated by her knowledge, she ignored it and tried to reason not fight and "Did you forget? Raiden's there--- waiting for us both to come home.". Amanda didn't believe her and said "You're the one who forgot. I told you at Kingdom Hearts when we closed the door... "Take care of him." And I meant taking care of Raiden, not follow me around like a wild goose chase.". Darcey gasps in shock and looks down in regret. Amanda discouraged her and said "Just give it up already. I'm not going back to the islands---for anything or for anyone, not now, not ever.". Darcey tried to persuade her and said "But it's not just for Raiden! What about the rest? Including our families? Think about your parents!". Amanda ignored her and snarked at her "You can have those losers. Already forgot 'em. Who needs them? Just a bunch island lovers stuck in one place, never wanting to get out of their prisons." This offended Darcey greatly, almost shredding tears of pain, hurt and insult, yelling out "That's enough! Just stop!" As she summons her Keyblade and activates her lightsaber.

Amanda then started her questions and asked "What about you, Darcey? Do you actually remember what they all look like? Including your own family, how many members are there in your family?". This caught Darcey off guard and tried to answer " Of course I rememb—". She paused in shock, unable to answer. Darcey looks down. This meant that she's losing the memories of her family, its slowly slipping away from her like petal falling off its flower. Amanda just laughs at her to her own amusement. Amanda replied "Awwwww.......Don't feel bad. That's what this castle does to you--- after a while. It's good. You forget all the useless stuff and remember for the first time what really matters. I remembered it, Darcey. I now know the one thing that is most important to me. Protecting Phoenix. Nothing else matters---not a thing.". Darcey looks at Amanda for a few moments, a childhood memory returns to her mind. Darcey looks at Amanda and remembers when the two of them used to fight using wooden swords as children, always laughing and tumbling over each other. Before having another rematch of wooden sword fighting. An idea came to her, hoping it might work and yelled out to Amanda "Hey...Amanda... I think I'll jog your memory." Darcey readies her Keyblade and her lightsaber.

Amanda snickers and raises her Soul Eater, blocking her keyblade and lightsaber. Amanda snickered and said "Go ahead and try." Darcey and Amanda battled each other in their second match. Amanda tried to overpower Darcey, but Darcey knew her frightening techniques and thought outside the bow to fight her. After the battle, Amanda lays on foot on the ground, defeated. She uses her weapon to get up from the ground. Not impressed with Darcey's attempt and said "Hmph. Too bad, Darcey. You can fight me all you want, but I still won't remember a thing.". Darcey reasoned her not to fight, but team up and said "C'mon, Amanda... Let's quit fighting---let's go help Phoenix together!". As she puts away her weapons. Amanda didn't listen and said "Together--- right. So like you... ...Darcey---you're always trying to worm your way into my heart!". To prove so, she holds her weapon to Darcey's neck, but only a few inches away from her neck. Catching Darcey off guard, taking a few steps back and asked "Woah! Hold on! When did I ever do that? Especially to you?". Amanda just ignored her and snapped at her "Hmph, you forgot that, too? You never cared. It never mattered to you!". Amanda runs away into the next floor. Leaving Darcey feeling guilty and hurt and said to her "Please, you won't push me away that easily." Donald, Faith, Twitchy and Goofy rejoined her, as they leave the Exit Hall.

The scene switches to Phoenix in a white room, sitting down in guilt of what's happening between his two friends. Axel appears and approaches over to him. Axel asking him "Does it hurt, Phoenix? Watching your two childhood friends fight all because of you? You have my sympathies. From the heart." Phoenix picks his head up and glares angrily at Axel, not saying a word to him. Axel continues "But don't waste your time. We Nobodies can never hope to be somebodies.". After the battle with Amanda the second time, Darcey, Donald, Faith, Twitchy, Jiminy and Goofy enter the Ninth Floor. Darcey sighs and puts her head down while Donald and Goofy look at each other, worried for her. Twitchy whimpered in sadness while Goofy picked him form the ground and rubbed his head in comfort. Faith nudged Darcey and she placed herself her arms, Darcey hugged her. Cause she needed comfort from a friend, that doesn't hate her. Darcey said "I don't get it. Amanda and I---we both want the same thing. Both of us want to help Phoenix out. But how come we're fighting each other? I mean, Amanda and I have argued about stuff in the past, but.......not like this. This is.......". . Faith put on her puppy dog eyes at Darcey, sharing her pain of hurt. Goofy thought of something and gave out his opinion and said "Could be 'cause ya care what happens to each other". Donald nods his head in agreement with Goofy. This made Darcey wonder and said "Hm... I really thought so, too, but...maybe Amanda doesn't......what if she's.....". Not wanting his friend to lose hope, Donald supported her "You can't give up. You're friends---tied together. Darcey, Amanda, and...and... What was his name?". Goofy tries to think of something, but comes up with nothing and said nothing. Twitchy barked at him, hoping to remember but he didn't. Seeing the look on her face, Jiminy pointed out "Hm. It seems our memories are fading mighty fast. Darcey, we gotta hurry. I bet Amanda will come around if you just talk to her. Just don't give up on her, you made it this far to see her again.". This put a smile on Darcey's face as she looked at him, "You're right Jiminy. We three were never apart. Me 'n Amanda... ...and Phoenix. What would we do without Jiminy?" This made Jiminy blush with embarrassment, Donald and Goofy smiled with Darcey, they were so grateful to have Jiminy by their side. Faith and Twitchy both smiled with their friends too, trusting Jiminy's instinct. Not just a conscience, or a chronicler but as a loyal friend. Darcey holds up her next card at the Ninth Floor world entrance and enters to the next world.

100 Acre Wood - When Darcey enters the world. She looks around and realised that Donald, Goofy, Faith, Jiminy and Twitchy weren't with her. Worried for her friends, but she had to continue on her own. As she continued to investigate she finds Pooh all alone and decides to go down the path with the teddy bear in order to find his lost friends. Upon going down the path, Darcey and Pooh find Rabbit picking up cabbages, and get Owl's attention by having Pooh float high in the air with a bundle of balloons, brought back to the ground by Owl. Darcey and Pooh find Roo in a hole after Pooh falls into it, and find Eeyore later down the path, whose tail is knocked down from a tree that Pooh, being chased by bees, runs into. Tigger's attention is captured when Pooh is taught by Darcey to bounce on tree stumps in a similar formation to Tigger. Shortly afterwards, Darcey and Pooh are bombarded by Rabbit's cabbages, which come rolling down the hill. Darcey knocks the cabbages into a stack with the Keyblade, her lightsaber and blocks them with The Force, which causes Rabbit to appear. Rabbit explains that he tried rolling the cabbages down the path since someone had broken the cart he had planned to use to bring them down. Coincidentally, it was Darcey and Pooh who broke this cart. Darcey and Pooh soon afterwards arrive at the end of the path, with all of Pooh's friends found. The two say their parting words, and Darcey leaves to continue climbing to the top of Castle Oblivion. Returns to Donald, Faith, Twitchy, Jiminy and Goofy, since they didn't appear with her in that particular world.

Kingdom Hearts Jedi Keyblade Knight Re-chain of memories (Darcey's Story)Where stories live. Discover now