6. Jk's girlfriend 🙃

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(It was 9 at night, Jk decide to ask Tae, whether she is fine or not. He really felt bad for Tae.)

(Ring ring ring)
Tae- Hello Jungkook, is everything alright?

Jk- Yes, everything's alright. I just wan- wanna ask whether u r fine or not cuz of that office incident.

Tae- I am really good, now I don't mind such people's comment cuz someone made me understood that I should do what I feel and not what society wants.

Jk- yeahh, good to hear that.

Tae- okay then, I will hangup. Good night.

Jk- Good night.

(Few days went like that, both Jk and Tae are in good terms now. They behave professionally good but haven't took that first step towards friendship.
Let's see what future holds for them)

One fine day......

Both tae and jk are sitting inside Jk's cabin where tae is guiding jk regarding annual filing of company.

Jk is really impressed with tae's work or can we say that he is enjoying working with her🤭

Tae was feeling the urge to grab some coffee, she asked Jk as well whether he wants some and jk did accepted.

Tae- here, ur black coffee.

Jk- Thank you.

Tae- Btw, now I got it why ur mouth is always bitter, cuz u drink such bitter coffee.

Jk- Oh, is it. But ur mouth isn't sweet even after having this sweet milk coffee (he smirked)

Tae- 😠😠😠

Jk- Okay jokes apart, would u like to go on coffee with me?

Tae- Omg, did sun rise from west?
Are u asking me out, huh😤.

Jk- Don't make ur standards too high that Jeon Jungkook will ask u out. I just wanna take u to one of my fav coffee shop and make u taste their one of the best coffee cuz I can see how much addicted u r to coffee.

Tae- okay then, I am in for it.

At Lover's café

Tae- Wow, it's so beautiful

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Tae- Wow, it's so beautiful.

Jk- Yeah, it's interior really makes our stress go away and cherry on the cake we have coffee too.

Tae- what should I order. I mean what is speciality of this coffee shop?

Jk- I'll order for you. Excuse me waiter, two Iced coffee please.

(Suddenly Jk noticed group of college students making too much noise, chatting and messing whole coffee table and what he noticed next shocked him)
There was

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