38. Longing for each other💘

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Next day, Tae woke up first. She saw that she was lying naked above Jk.

That's when last night's memories flashed infront of her eyes.

She felt so pathetic to let her heart control her mind.

She quickly got up from Jk, but hissed at the pain in her lower area and she realised that Jk is still inside her.

Tae slowly removed Jk's c**k from her hole, not disturbing his sleep and covered him with blanket.

She picked Jk's shirt from ground and wore it while entering the bathroom by limping.

She took warm shower to relax her sore muscles and cried her heart out. Tae didn't wanted to melt in Jk's touch cuz she was still angry on him. But her stupid heart messed up everything.

After spending nearly an hour in shower, she entered their room wearing bathrobe.

She noticed that Jk is fidgeting in his sleep.

Tae went near wardrobe and picked her clothes.

She was about to remove her robe when Jk back hugged her and kept his chin on her shoulder.

Jk- Good morning Jaan. Did you sleep well last night?

Tae yanked his hand from her waist and stood facing him.

Tae- Just because we had s*x last night doesn't mean I forgave you?

I still remembered how hard you slapped me and your fake promises to keep my mom with us.

I didn't forget anything Jungkook. And u know what I hate myself for being this weak infront of you. I already told you don't touch me right? Then why the hell, you did that last night?

I agree I didn't stopped you. Just because my heart took over my mind, I wasn't able to think anything.

But this time I am warning you, Stay away from me. Otherwise I won't think twice to leave this house forever.

Saying this she rushed into the bathroom to get dressed leaving behind a shocked Jk.

Jk fall down on his knees shedding tears. He thought Tae forgave him after last night. But he was wrong. He has to work hard for Tae's forgiveness.

He took his clothes and went to Jimin's room to wash himself and get ready for office.

At breakfast table.

Everyone sat on their respective seat for having breakfast, but Tae avoided to sit beside Jk and sat near Jin.

Jm- Taehyungiee, why u and Oppa didn't came for dinner last night.

Tae- Umm..I..I...we......actu...

Jk- Actually we were so tried from office work that didn't realised when we slept.

Jm- Okay.

NJ- Btw, Jungkook have you packed ur bags? U have to leave till 5pm.

Jk- Appa, I'll pack after having breakfast.

Tae looked at Jk with wide shock eyes, but Jk didn't bother to look at her.

Tae's pov.

Is he going somewhere? But he didn't told me anything. Even though we are having fight, but he could have atleast told me as a colleague.

NJ looked at Tae being confused so he asked her.

NJ- What happened Tae? Any problem?

Tae- No...appa. Actually r u going somewhere?

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