13. JK's birthday🎉 (S.M)

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It's been 3 months now of Taekook dating.

Both are happy with each other. But kept it as a secret. They behave professionally at office and behave lovey-dovey only when they are all alone.

JK's birthday is coming within 2 days.
Tae decided to surprise him. But couldn't get what she should do.

She was thinking about it, just then Jk entered inside her cabin.

She was so engrossed in her thinking that she didn't even realised when Jk came and sat infront of her.

Jk flicked her forehead and made her come back to earth.

Jk- Where are u lost Jaan?

Tae- umm no-nothing.

Jk- Aren't u hungry, cuz I am damn hungry. Come on open ur lunch box fast.

Tae- Yeah.

Both were having their lunch when tae spoke,

Tae- Babe, where's your dog? I mean I saw ur profile it's with ur dog but when I came at ur house I never noticed him.

Jk- u-umm ac-actually, I lost him.

Tae- What? (sad tone)

Jk- Yeah, it was 3 years back. He was my first dog and probably last cuz after he died I never adopted another. I really loved him.

Tae- ohh- okay.

Jk's birthday
Tae decided to surprise Jk at their farmhouse.

She decorated entire farmhouse with lots of ballons, candles, lights, flowers, etc.

She wore special dress for Jk

And even prepared a special gift.

Soon Jk arrived at the farmhouse.

                          (Jk's outfit)

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                          (Jk's outfit)

Jk was stunned to look at the decoration.
Flowers, ballons, candles, lights, music, everything's so beautiful and one of the most beautiful view -

 Flowers, ballons, candles, lights, music, everything's so beautiful and one of the most beautiful view -'HIS JAAN'

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