42. Does love consider age gap?

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It's an usual day at Jeon's.

Tae is busy preparing dinner, while Jin is helping her.

Rose is busy giving head massage to her son-in-law.

JK- Aahh, mom sooo good. Do u have magic in ur hands. Aaahh I am enjoying so much.

Rose smiled at Jk's comment.

JK- Mom, why don't u teach this massage technique to Tae? Whenever I'll ask her to do massage she'll simply slap my head hard.

Rose widened her eyes and shouted at Tae.

Rose- Tae, is this the way u treat ur husband huh? This is what I taught you?

Tae- Mom, he is just teasing me. Otherwise whenever I'll massage his head he'll sleep at an instant.

JK- Mom, do u think I am lying?

Rose- No, I trust my son-in-law. He will never lie to me.

Jk hugged Rose's waist.

JK- My Mom.

Tae widened her eyes at her husband's cocky words and how her mom literally disowned her.

Tae- Mom, how can u do that. Don't u trust ur own daughter.

JK- Noo, she trust me more than u. Afterall I am her fav, isn't it mom?

Rose- Yeah, u r right. U r my fav.

Tae's mouth was wide opened, while Jk teased her sticking his tongue out.

Jin- Don't worry Tae. Let them be in one team. U have ur world wide beautiful mother-in-law cum mother.

Tae- Yeah Eomma. U r mine. Not others. (said glaring at Rose and Kook)

That's when, Jimin came downstairs all dressed up ready to go somewhere.

That's when, Jimin came downstairs all dressed up ready to go somewhere

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Jk- Shorty, where r u going?

Jm- I am going out with Minshii.

Jk- At this late night that too wearing such dress. Who gave u this dress huh?

Jm- Minshii gave me this dress. And what's the prblm with my dress?

Jk- U r not going anywhere. Go back to ur room.

Jm- And why should I listen to you. We already planned to meet today so I'll go and meet him.

JK- Enough Jimin. Go back to ur room and change this stupid dress.

Jm- What's prblm with my dress huh? It's so pretty. U don't have any fashion sense. That's why u r saying like that.

JK- I do have fashion sense and I don't like ur dress cuz it's too revealing. It's not appropriate for ur aged girls to wear such dresses.

Jm- I know what is best for me and Taehyungiee too wears backless dresses. But u never say anything to her then why me.

Jk- It's because she wears such dresses when she is with me. Have u seen her walking alone in such dresses, huh?

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