49. 5 months apart💞

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5 months later.

It's been 5 months Tae left Jeon Mansion. The very next day, she even resigned from her post at Jeon Enterprises and a month later started her own firm, 'Jeon Taehyung and associates' near by her house.

Neither she tried to contact Jk, nor Jk did. Jk wanted Tae to realise her mistake and come back to him and Tae wanted some space to clam down herself.

She cried every night remembering her Kookie, but didn't had the courage to call him once. She was done with her life, but she had to live for her mom and someone precious...........

Yes, Tae is 5 months pregnant.

She came to know about her pregnancy few days after she left Jeon Mansion. Tae was so happy that she immediately took her phone to call Jk, but suddenly remembered what all happened on previous days made her hide about it from Jk.

She never went out of the house with the fear of coming in face to face with Jk. That's why she opened her firm near by her house itself.

Rose warned Tae not to hide her pregnancy from Jk, but she was so stubborn to listen to anyone. She even told Rose if she tried to tell anyone then she will harm her own self.
On the other hand, Jk's condition was same like Tae. Except for the fact that he became even more workaholic and spent most of his time at the office.

He too wanted to call Tae and ask her to come back. But this time he really wanna see how far his Jaan can go in hurting him.

Tzuyu was now living at Jeon Mansion as Jin wanted to take care of her as she is pregnant. Jk use to take her for monthly checkup.

Tzuyu tried to cheer up Jk, but he became a lifeless body without his Jaan.


Jin- Bunny tomorrow u have to take Tzuyu to monthly checkup.

It's Tzuyu's 8th month.

JK- Okay.

Jin's eyes turned glossy looking at her Bunny's pale emotionless face.

Next day.

Jk and Tzuyu entered the hospital. Jk made Tzuyu sit on an empty seat and went at the receptionist to do the formalities.

.........- There's one lady inside who's check up is going on. After that we'll call u Sir.

JK- Okay, Thank u.

Jk went to Tzuyu and sat beside her and got busy in his phone.

..........- Chou Tzuyu room no. 4.

Jk got up and helped Tzuyu to stand. Both were walking towards the doctor's cabin.

Just then, a lady with a mask whose baby bump was slightly visible exited from doctor's cabin.

Jk felt familiar by looking at the lady, but shrugged it off concentrating on Tzuyu.

.........- Jeon Taehyung here is ur report and ur baby is absolutely fine.

Jk turned to look at the lady, who was standing side facing him.

Jk turned to look at the lady, who was standing side facing him

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