41. Sorry Kookie 😔

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I am sorry Kookie.

Jk didn't turned around, still looking at the dark sky.

Tae- Kookie please forgive me. Please talk to me. Don't be like this. I am sorry. (said while sobbing)

Jk wanted to hug his Jaan and kiss her whole damn face, but this time she has hurted him a lot. He's not gonna forgive her this easily.

Tae detached herself from Jk's back and turned him around making him face her.

Jk's face held no emotions. He was trying his hard to be tough infront of Tae not letting his emotions overpower him.

Tae cupped Jk's face.

Tae- Kookie I am really sorry. I didn't meant those words. I was just concerned about my mom. If u would have already told me that u r planning to bring her on my birthday then I won't have said those words to you. It was out of anger. I am really sorry Kookie. Please forgive your Jaan.

Jk still didn't respond to Tae and stood like a statue.

Tae- Kookie say something, please don't be like this.

JK- What should I say Tae? Do u know how much u have hurted me with ur words?

I just asked you to wait for few months just because I was planning something for u. But I didn't knew my plan to surprise you will show me worst of you.

It's so easy for you to say Hate you right?



I didn't forced you to marry me and if you feel like forced then feel free to divorce me.

Tae was shocked listening divorce word from Jk's mouth.

She feel down on her knees and broke into tears, sobbing hard, hiccuping.

She joined hands infront of Jk.

Tae- K...ookie....p..lz....d..on't.....d.o..... this.....I...I....a..m...s..orry....I...am......... sorry.....k...ookie.....

Tae started panicking. She just wants her Kookie to herself. She regrets whatever she said to Jk. Now she only wants his forgiveness.

Jk didn't liked when Tae fall down on her knees and begging infront of him for forgiveness.

He never want her to beg or fall weak infront of anyone. She should be treated like a queen, His Queen.

He made her stand up, but she was refusing to do so. She just wants her Kookie to forgive her.

Jk- Tae please stand up. I don't like seeing u like this. Stand up fast.

Tae- N..o....f.irst....f..orgive.....me........I.. am....s..orry.....K...ookie.........

JK- Okay, I forgive you. Now stand up please.

Tae- R...eal..ly...

JK- Yes.

Tae stood up with Jk's support. Jk wipped her tears and hugged her. She too hugged him back and cried her heart out. Asking for forgiveness again and again.

Jk's eyes too left tears. He finally got the warmth which he was missing since days.

Tae felt dizzy due to tiredness and continuous crying. She collapsed in Jk's arms.

Jk picked her in bridal style and laid her down on bed.

Jk- Too tired from crying?

Jk wipped away tears from her face and placed a loving peck on her forehead. He changed her dress into something comfortable and he too laid down beside her and hugged her waist.

Jk- Sleep well Jaan.

Next day when Tae woke up, she was alone on bed.

She panicked thinking Jk left her.

Tae- Ko...okie...w..here...a..re...you.......I a..m..sorry......Ko..okie....Ko...okie.....

Jk came out of the bathroom hearing Tae's cries.

He went to her and hugged her, rubbing her back to calm her down.

Tae- You d-din't l-left me?

Jk cupped her face.

Jk- Why should I leave my Jaan huh? I wanna stay with her forever and have a big family. Don't you want it?

Tae- I-I want it.

Jk- Then don't cry from now onwards. U cried a lot last night.

He wipped her cheeks and stared at her lips, but quickly diverted his gaze to somewhere else.

Tae- Kookie u can kiss me. Whatever I said was out of anger. U have full right to touch and have me in whatever way you want. Just don't ignore me.

Jk smiled at her and smashed his lips on her.

And that's it.

But lost eachother's control. Jk started chewing and sucking her lips harshly whereas Tae was busy sucking Jk's tongue.

This is what both needed. The kiss showed how much they missed each other.


Tae- Aaaaa

Jk pulled out from kiss and looked at Tae with concern.

JK- What happened? R u alright?

Tae- Yeah, it's just ur lip piercing pricked my lips.

Jk lightly giggled.

JK- I am sorry. Henceforth I'll remove it before kissing.

Tae- Sorry, because of me u have to go through so much pain and get the piercing done.

JK- It's not because of u, I wanted it so I got it. I have something else to show u too.

Jk opened his shirt buttons and revealed some beautiful letters on his chest.

Jk opened his shirt buttons and revealed some beautiful letters on his chest

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Tae traced the letters of her name and placed a kiss on it.

Tae- It's beautiful.

JK- Not as much as you.

He suddenly hovered over Tae and started making out with her lips.

Tae- I love you Jeon Jungkook. (said between the kiss)

JK- I love you too Jeon Taehyung.

To be continued.........

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