40. Tae's birthday 🎂

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Everyone was sitting in the living room enjoying evening tea, when Jm spoke,

Jm- Oppa, what have u planned for Taehyungiee's birthday?

Jin- Ohh yes, it's Tae's birthday, day after tomorrow. Have you planned something or not Bunny.

Jk- Umm, Eomma I am busy on that day. I have to attend an important meeting.

Tae's pov

Liar, there's no important meeting on that day. Just say that u don't wanna be with me.

NJ- But Jungkook there's no important meeting on that day as per my knowledge.

JK- Aa..a... there's metting with my friend. Yeah, he is going to Canada forever so we have planned a small get together u know just to chill and enjoy.

Jin- Which friend Bunny?

JK- E...eomma u don't know him. He is my new friend.

Jin- So meeting ur new friend is more important than your wife's birthday huh? I don't know anything, u won't go anywhere on Tae's birthday. You'll be with her and spend time with her.

JK- B..but...eom......

Jin- No buts and all. My decision is final.

JK- Okay.

Tae felt bad that Jk doesn't wanna be with her even on her birthday. She blamed herself for her Kookie's changed behaviour.


On Tae's birthday.

Tae was getting ready for her birthday.  Only friends and few family members were invited as she refused to have a grand party.

But she wasn't understanding what she should wear. She didn't purchased dress for herself as she already had too many but the main reason was she was upset as her Kookie didn't wished her yet.

Jin entered her room and gave a beautiful dress to her.

Jin- Tae, look I bought this dress for you. Wear this for birthday party.

Tae- Wow Eomma it's so pretty

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Tae- Wow Eomma it's so pretty. I just loved it. Thank you soo much.

Jin- Welcome dear. Wear it fast and come downstairs guests have almost arrived.

Tae- Okay Eomma.

Jin came outside the bedroom.

Jin- Hmmm, ur work is done 👍.

Jk- Thank you Eomma.

Jin- But this is the last time I am helping u Bunny. Next time onwards u have to talk with ur wife and give gifts by ur own self.

Jk- Sure Eomma.

Jin- Btw u also look too good. It's good to wear matching clothes with ur partner.

After a while Tae arrived at the living room looking like a Princess

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After a while Tae arrived at the living room looking like a Princess.

NJ- Aww, u look like a cute Princess Tae.

Tae- Thank you Appa.

Jm- Yes Taehyungiee Appa is right. U r really looking beautiful.

Jin- She will look beautiful afterall she is my daughter-in-law. (flipped her hairs).

NJ- Correction Jinnie not daughter-in-law, but daughter.

Jin- Oops, sorry.

All this while Tae was looking at Jk hoping that now atleast he will look at her. But she was wrong. He didn't even looked at her, continuosly staring at his phone.

After some time, Jimin bought cake and kept it on table infront of Tae.

After some time, Jimin bought cake and kept it on table infront of Tae

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Tae cutted the cake. Everyone wished her happy birthday and gave lots of gifts.

But Jk, he didn't even wished her nor gave any gift and didn't even feed her cake.

Her eyes were about to turn glossy, that's when she heard,

Tae baby.......

When Tae saw her mom, she immediately went to her and hugged her tightly shedding tears and sobbing hard

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When Tae saw her mom, she immediately went to her and hugged her tightly shedding tears and sobbing hard.

Rose- Aww, why my baby is crying. Did she missed her Eomma that much hun?

Tae didn't said anything. She just needed someone's shoulder to cry on and lighten her heart and no one can calm a sobbing child more than her mother.

Rose- Shhhh calm down baby. I thought you'll be happy seeing me, but look I made my baby cry on her birthday.

Rose rubbed her back to calm her down. She tried to pull out of the hug, but Tae wasn't ready to leave her mom.

After a while Tae calmed down and let go off her.

Rose- Are you good now?

Tae simply nodded her head.

All the guests had their dinner and went back to their home.

Rose and Jeon family were sitting in living room chatting and giggling, while Tae is still stuck to her mom.

Jk is silent all this while.

That's when Tae noticed something and said.

Tae- Mom, why did u bought these many bags with you?

Rose- Why, Jungkookshii didn't told you anything?

Tae looked at Jk then again looked at Rose and nodded her head as no.

Rose- He asked me to stay at Jeon's Mansion from now on, cuz I'll be all alone at our previous house and you'll be concerned about me.

He asked me to specially come today as he wanted to give u surprise and asked me not to say anything to u regarding this.

But it's strange that he still didn't said anything to u.

Tae looked at Jk with glossy eyes regretting her words which she used for Jk.

Jk didn't said anything just left for his room.

Tae also left behind him.

She saw Jk standing near window.

She stood behind him and back hugged him,

I am sorry Kookie.

                 To be continued.........

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