6. A Invitation for Antics

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A few weeks have passed and it was nothing out of the ordinary. We continued our studies and spent most of our free time taking trips to Hogsmeade and relaxing in the common room. All and all it was just school.

It was our weekend and we were all in the Great Hall eating. Anne had joined us three at the Slytherin table and was going on about her Care of Magical Creatures class. Sebastian was stuffing his face while Ominis read his braille book pausing now and then to enjoy his cup of tea.

Munching on my toast; the squawks of owls can be heard as they deliver letters and packages to students.

One flew over to Sebastian and Anne.

"Oh it's from Uncle Solomon!" Anne took the envelope and opened it. Sebastian leaned close to her to read it with her.

"What does it say?" I smiled.

"Just how the crops are doing, that he misses us and hope Sebastian isn't getting into too much trouble. That he hopes you and Ominis are doing well too, and he can't wait for you to spend next summer with us." Her face lit up reading the letter from him.

"You're spending next summer with us in Feldcroft?" Ominis looked up from his book.

"Umm." I completely forgot I promised Sebastian I would go and slightly regretted agreeing.

"Yeah, Y/N said she would spend it with us so I wrote him to let him know." Sebastian wiped the crumbs off his hands and took the letter to read it properly.

"It will be amazing, like one big happy family!" Anne's warmth radiated in the air.

"It would be quite amazing." Ominis's eyes had a soft twinkle to them. Now that both Anne and Ominis know I guess I can't back out of it.

"I can't wait to show you around! You can meet all our friends and come with us for our late night dips in the nearby pond!" Her eyes glistened; daydreaming about all the fun we would have next summer. The happiness she felt for the future soon washed away all self doubt I had about going.

"Late night dips?" I raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Yes! Anne, me and sometimes Ominis would sneak out of the house with a few drinks in hand and go for a swim on hot nights. It's beautiful with the fireflies." Sebastian grinned at me. "You would love it."

"Sounds...fun!" I happily replied.

Soon the three were just talking about everything to do in Feldcroft. We all were shortly interrupted when a solid black owl flew in and dropped a letter in front of Ominis.

"Hm?" He looked confused as he took it in his hands, the second his wand hovered over the inscription the smile he had all morning faded.

"Is that from them?" Sebastian's expression had changed to a look of dread. The color slightly drained from his cheeks.

"I don't understand what they could possibly want. I made myself clear when I spoke to them last." He hesitantly opened it and ran his wand over the words. I tried to study his face but he gave me nothing to go off of.

"So?" Anne frowned.

Ominis scoffed. "They are coming to visit next weekend. How unbelievable, they want to talk to Headmaster Black and discuss my studies with him and talk to me about 'other things'. I know all too well what that means." He shakes his head and lights the letter on fire.

"What are you going to do?" I inquired.

"Nothing. I'm not going to meet with them again for them to go on about the family blood-line and insult me and my friends. They think you guys are bad influences."

Waiting For Us | Y/N x Ominis x SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now