19. Shops & Banter

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I ended up spending the whole night with Sebastian in the Undercroft.

It wasn't that bad but I really wanted to be with Ominis. It was the weekend and I had agreed to meet Anne in Hogsmeade to help her look for a dress to wear for the ball. I fixed my hair in a random mirror that was stored here. Sebastian was asleep and I took it as my chance to leave.

I quietly snuck out of the Undercroft.

I headed back to the common room. I quickly showered and once I came back to my room, I noticed two letters had been delivered to me.

I opened the first one and it was from the Ministry Official who was assigned to look after me.


I was upset to receive a letter from the Headmaster at Hogwarts. Professor Black has informed me you were caught dueling with another student. As you know we have discussed your studies and what we expect of you when attending Hogwarts. I am disappointed to hear this and will be making a visit, to ensure you understand our expectations of you.

Please take the time in detention to focus on your upcoming exams.

~ Alexandra Yawling

I frowned knowing I messed up. Since my parents had passed she had been the one to look after me. She would always visit me in the orphanage and believed so much in my potential to be a great witch one day. It's nice to know I have hurt yet another person by my actions. I picked up the other letter. It was similar to the one Ominis had received from his family.


It is lovely to finally get the chance to write to you. We have heard so many wonderful things from Ominis about you...'

Even though it was written. I could hear the condescending tone in his mother's voice.

'As you must have figured out by the letter. I am Ominis's mother Rionah Gaunt. I am simply writing to you in hopes you and Ominis will be so kind as to meet with us in Clagmar Coast in the Winter holidays. We have a little Summer home away from London, I'm sure Ominis has told you about it.

We invite you two to come stay at the home during this time and meet with us for one night. I am looking forward to your owl.

~ Rionah Gaunt

I didn't know what to make of the letter. I never knew Ominis's family had a Summer home and didn't know she even knew my name. It seemed like a trap. After all they used the Cruciatus curse on Sebastian for trying to help Ominis and since that night he hasn't been the same. I put the letter in my bag to later show Anne and ask her for advice.

I met with Anne just outside her Hufflepuff house. She wore a cute tan dress with thick tights and matching tan boots. Her coat was fluffy and showed off her house's colors.

"I'm so excited!" She linked her arm with mine.

"I can tell." I laughed.

"I have no idea what I'm going to wear." She said as we headed out of the castle.

"I'm sure you will look cute in anything and I'm sure Isaac will think so too." I playfully nudged her.

"Do you have any thought of what you will wear?"

"Me? I actually don't know... I think I might skip it." I frowned.

"I know you and Ominis hit a rough spot, but you can't miss it. You will regret it for the rest of your life! Plus if Ominis won't take you, I know Gareth will; as a friend of course." I wondered how she knew so much about me and Ominis and also wondered if she knew about Sebastian.

Waiting For Us | Y/N x Ominis x SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now