17. The Tea Was Right

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As much as it hurt, I decided to let Ominis be. It took every ounce of self control I had in me not to run to him and apologize. I decided to take a walk and get out of the castle. Even though I had one more class for the day, seeing Ominis and Sebastian would be too much.

I didn't know what I was feeling over the situation I found myself in. Ominis is everything I ever wanted and more. I had loved him since the day we met. While Sebastian, there was something about him I couldn't shake. He was alluring to me and I kept finding myself drawn towards him. This year was never supposed to go like this.

I cuddled up in my jacket as I just found myself walking along a random path. I was unsure where it lead to but I didn't care. The air was icy as I found a spot to sit and be alone.

I stared at the sunset and wondered if Ominis was thinking of me. Did he hate me or was he just as broken over everything as I was? Sebastian must have loved messing with my feelings. Playing with my already fragile heart.

I sighed, hugging my knees to stay warm.

It hurt, thinking of either of them. I was in the middle and I couldn't untangle myself from their grip. Again the tears started to fall.

I shut my eyes trying to ignore the pain I felt.

"I love you Y/N." Ominis pulled me to him.

"You love her?" Sebastian laughed. "You think you know what love is?"

"I do."

"She doesn't love you, love isn't fucking your best friend behind your back. If you think that's what love is you are surely mistaken. Don't be so blind Ominis."

"Stop Sebastian!" I cried.

"Stop? Why should I? He deserves to know the truth if your so-called claim of love is real." He scoffed, holding his wand towards Ominis. "Just admit it. If Ominis wasn't in the picture you would be with me."


"No?" He laughed. "No! Well we shall see. Avada—"

"Stop!" I woke up in a screaming panic as I felt my heart beating out of my chest. I couldn't breathe. My lungs hurt as the cold air went in, my body was frozen. It was pitch black as my hair had started to freeze.

I had to get back to the castle.

I tried standing up but my legs were weak, hypothermia was already setting in. I stumbled my way back the best I could, but I didn't have enough strength. The last thing I was was the castle steps before I passed out.

"Y/N?" I heard Sebastian say.

"Mhm?" I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of the Infirmary.

"Oh thank Merlin you're awake." He whispered, squeezing my hand. "What were you doing outside?!"

I moved my hand away from him and looked for Ominis who wasn't there.

"I'm fine." I shuffled away in the stiff bed.

"Fine? You call being in the hospital fine?!"

"Where's Ominis?" I ignored him.

"I don't know, probably sitting in a corner somewhere studying." He muttered.

I tried to get out of bed but was stopped by Sebastian.

"Stop. You need to rest."

"Sebastian unless you want to end up having another little chat with the Headmaster. I suggest you leave me alone." I snapped at him; pushing the sheets aside and swinging my feet over the bed to get my shoes on.

Waiting For Us | Y/N x Ominis x SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now