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You and Amber arrived at school the next morning, hand in hand, like you didn't carve up Tara just last night. It was quite funny if you thought about it.

You saw your friends Mindy and Wes, sitting at the benches where your friend group usually hangs out. Wes was on the phone with someone. You and Amber waltzed over to them, as Wes hung up the phone. "Hey guys" you smiled at them. Amber sat down on the bench near Wes, and you laid your head down in her lap.

"What's wrong?" you asked them as they both had forlorn looks on their faces. "You haven't heard?" Wes asked. "Heard what?" Amber piped in.

"Tara was attacked last night. By someone wearing a ghostface mask" Mindy's voice was serious, and she was usually the cheery one.

"Holy shit" you and Amber said in unison.

"Is she okay?" you asked, fake worry lacing your tone, like you weren't the one who was partly involved in her attack.

"She's alive, but..in bad shape. She was.." Wes took a deep breath. "stabbed.."

You and Amber plastered fake looks of worry on your faces.

"She made it through surgery and the doctor said it went well, but she's resting now" he finished.

"Oh my god" Amber mumbled.

It was quiet for a few seconds, before you changed the subject.

"Who was on the phone?" you asked Wes.

"That was Sam" he replied.

"She's coming?" Amber sat up a little.

Wes paused. "Yeah"

"Watch everything get worse" Amber mumbled, rolling her eyes. Amber and Sam, Tara's older sister, never exactly got along. There was this one time Sam was babysitting you all when you were kids, and Amber kept making things difficult for the girl. As they got older, their squabbles continued.

Your two other friends, Chad and Liv, were heading towards you. His arm was around her shoulder.

"Listen, all i'm saying is that everything going on right now, I think it's time to take our relationship to the next, most intimate level" Chad was saying to Liv, as they both sat down on the bench opposite you.

"He wants me to accept his 'Find My Fam' request" Liv informed you guys, rolling her eyes.

"It's the smartest option with a would-be killer on the loose" Chad pointed at her and then you guys, as if trying to make a point.

"You know exactly where I am, and I know exactly where you are" he continued.

"Aww, you can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend" Liv teased, tilting her head.

"And you can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend" Chad shot back at her.

You and Amber gagged. "Is this because you two aren't having sex yet?" Amber said with a smile.

"You actually bring up a very good point, not that I want to sound like a stereotypical jock trying to get into his girlfriend's pants-" Chad started.

"Great!" Liv added sarcastically.

"Anyway, you can't say much, last time I checked, you and Y/N aren't very sex positive" Chad shrugged.

You turned your head at him, scoffing. "We've fucked plenty of times, for your information" you said with a smile, and everyone laughed.

Wes quickly shut you guys down "Yeah well, you shouldn't, and you don't do it either, Liv, there's a psycho out there. You make yourself harder to find, delete social media, tape over you're phone camera, disable GPS" he was very wary and cautious about this stuff.

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