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A/N: just a heads up, this chapter gets a little spicy towards the end 🤭


You had all left the bar, but you and Amber stopped just outside the exit, the others a few steps in front of you.

"You guys can go ahead, I need to speak to Amber about something" you informed them.

"No worries, Y/N, we'll see you tomorrow" Chad said. You smiled. "Cya tomorrow" You waved at them as they left as they started walking again.

Once they were out of sight, your smile immediately faded and you dropped your hand back to your side. "I'm gonna fucking kill Vince" you said darkly.

Amber chuckled "You go get 'em babe. I'll wait for you" she pecked your cheek and you smirked at her. She leaned against the wall while you rushed back inside to the bathroom to change.

First you made sure nobody else was in there, which there wasn't, so you changed quickly. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You thought you looked pretty sick with this costume on. You blew yourself a cheeky kiss in the mirror, grabbed the knife from your bag, and left out the back door.

There was a slight breeze which made you shiver a bit, but your heart would be pumping with that very same adrenaline rush very soon.

You rounded the corner, and there he was. Vince was too busy pissing against the wall to notice you stood behind the corner, and mumbling profanities under his breath, obviously drunk.

You quickly scanned your surroundings for any cameras, which thankfully, there wasn't.

You cautiously headed to his car that was further behind him. His car door was open, and the stupid drunk left his keys in the ignition. You turned the keys and the car revved up.

You dashed behind another car nearby once he looked over his shoulder. He zipped up his pants and turned around fully. He squinted and put his hand up to shield his eyes from the blaring car lights, and headed towards it.

"Is that you pretty boy? Huh?" he shouted, opening his arms out and heading towards the car quicker. "Get out of my fucking car!"

Once he got close enough to his car, he stopped and stared once he realised you weren't actually in his car. He looked around nervously. He bent over to switch the ignition back off. He stayed there for a second, confused.

You slowly creeped up behind him. He straightened his back. He stayed still, still confused as fuck. You could smell his stench through your mask, and you held yourself back from gagging.

That's when you jabbed your knife into his jugular quickly with one swift motion.

He whipped his head around to you, and held onto the stab wound, blood oozing through his fingers at a rapid pace. You just glared back at him through your mask, tilting your head.

He started walking backwards, intimidated by your presence, then he tripped and tumbled to the ground. You held back a laugh.

He tried to desperately crawl away as you slowly started walking up behind him. He was choking and spluttering on his blood, then eventually collapsed and stopped moving.

You moved around his body to look at his face. His eyes were wide open and staring straight ahead of him, his chest wasn't moving.

He was dead.

You lifted up your knife and did a clean swipe to clean off the blood from it. What a waste of blood on my blade, you thought.

You heard slow clapping from further behind you. You whipped your head around quickly, but relaxed only to see it was Amber. She was leant against Vince's car, with your bag at her feet.

"Bravo, baby" she stopped clapping.

You strolled towards her. "That was fucking awesome" you exclaimed, lifting your mask off of your head.

Amber smirked, her eyes flickering between your eyes and your lips, but then just stayed on your lips. "You are so hot" she uttered. You felt the sudden urge to kiss her. Kiss her until she couldn't breathe.

Before you got the chance to reply, it was like she read your thoughts as she grabbed the back of your neck and smashed her lips onto yours hungrily.

You instinctively closed your eyes as you kissed her back, the kiss turning into a messy make out sesh. She had her arms around your neck while your hands were on her waist, pulling her towards you more.

You pinned her against the car, and you moaned quietly into her mouth when she slipped her tongue in.

You squeezed her waist as her tongue explored your mouth, the feeling of it euphoric. She tasted like the beer she drank earlier, but my God it was delicious. You were both struggling for air, so you both pulled apart hesitantly, a string of saliva running from each of your lips.

Once you caught a breath, you immediately kissed her again, wanting her lips back on yours so eagerly. You didn't want this to end. You could do this forever. Her soft lips on yours as she would occasionally slip her tongue in. The thought made you giddy inside.

But of course, all things have to come to an end. You heard the back door from the bathroom creak open, and both of your eyes flung open and looked to where the sound was coming from.

Amber kept her lips on yours for a second, then took your bottom lip between hers and started nibbling on it gently. She pulled her head back and let go of your lip, making it fling back.

You both watched as the lady from behind the bar came round the corner with a cigarette in between her middle and index finger.

That's when you and Amber ducked quickly, so she wouldn't spot you, you grabbed your bag and cautiously headed behind the car. "What are you doing?" Amber whispered as she noticed you stayed behind the car instead of just heading out carefully.

"Wait for it" you whispered back to her, as she headed back to you. Almost a second or two after you said that, the woman let out an ear deafening scream at the sight of Vince's corpse.

"Go go go!" you whisper shouted, and Amber sped walked away from the scene, still crouched down, with you following closely behind her.

When you both got far enough away, you both let out fits of giggles. "That was perfect timing!" she exclaimed, as you took off your robe and stuffed it, as well as the mask and the knife, into your bag.

"It was too good to be true" you smiled as you flung it over your shoulder. You held your hand out for her to take, and she did so happily. "So, my love, should we head off to the hospital to go give Sam a good spook?" Amber smirked. "A taste of her own medicine it sounds like"

Your heart fluttered at the pet name "You know it, baby" you smirked back at her, and you both walked off gleefully to your car.



icl writing this chapter made me a blushing MESS bro. i'm so down bad for Amber.

send me Amber edits !! my tik tok is ghostf4ces1 😘

don't forget to vote!!

that's all from me!

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