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When you closed the door on Tara, you quickly gathered your costume from under the bed, and put it on.

Amber then stormed into the room. She saw you, you hadn't put your mask on yet.

"Well, that's Gale down. Shot her in the stomach" she said, also grabbing her costume and putting it on. "Knowing her, she'll live" she said with distaste.

You nodded. "You got that right"

You were both alerted by the sound of the front door opening and closing. You peeked round the corner and saw Sidney, gun held out in front of her.

"Anyone hiding, killer or not, you have five seconds to show yourself" she called out.

"I have an idea" you whispered to Amber. You quickly told her what to do, she nodded in understanding. She pulled the mask over her head, you doing the same, and she stay put in her room.

You opened her window and climbed out of it, landing on the same trashcan just below. You rounded the corner of the house and heard Gale groaning in pain. She was sat on the grass putting pressure on her wound.

You went back behind the house and hid in some bushes, then you called Sidney, activating your voice changer. She picked up instantly.

"Hello, Sidney" you spoke sinisterly.

"Hello there. Where'd you go?" she replied casually. You saw her walking up the stairs through the window.

"Oh i'm not Amber. I'm the other one" you corrected.

You heard her scoff quietly "Oh so there's two of you. I've seen this movie before"

"Not this movie, Sidney" you spat.

"You're gonna need some new material" you then heard a gunshot from the other end. She was shooting through closed doors.

"I got you here, didn't I?" you replied cockily.

"You might actually be the most derivative one of all, I mean, Christ, the same house?" you heard another gunshot from her end.

"Maybe so, but you forgot the number one rule of surviving a Stab movie. Never answer the-"

"I'm bored" she cut you off, taking her phone away from her ear.

"Wait!" you called, but she quickly hung up on you.

You sighed, taking the phone away from your ear, switching off the voice changer. "Fucking bitch" you grumbled.

You heard another gunshot from inside the house, followed by Richie yelling in pain. After a bit of arguing between him and Sidney, Amber charged out of her room and tackled Sidney.

"Holy shit, it's ghostface!" Richie yelled so loud probably the people down the street could hear.

Amber and Sidney then fell over the banister, landing hard on their backs, the gun flying from Sidney's hand. Richie limped downstairs. Just before he grabbed the gun, Sam appeared and quickly swiped it, pointing it at Amber.

"Yes!" Richie cheered, seeing Sam. He reached the bottom of the stairs and limped over to her.

"Thank God you're okay" he then pulled out a knife and stabbed her in the stomach, making her gasp. "Because I really..wanted to be the one to kill you" he grinned, slightly panting.

You dashed out of the bushes and ran over to the front door. Gale was still there laying on the grass, she hadn't noticed you.

You kicked the door open, everybody's heads snapping towards you. You slowly walked over to Sam, tilting your head. You pried the gun out of her hands, then pointed it at her. Amber quickly got to her feet, taking her mask off as she did so, breathing heavily.

Richie pulled the knife out of her stomach, then turned her around so he had put her in a headlock, the knife against her neck. Your gun was still pointed at her.

"Th-three of you?" she gasped.

Amber revealed a gun from her waistband, and pulled Sidney up by her hair, pointing the gun at her head.

"If that's you two, that just leaves.." Sam paused, glancing at you.

You tilted your head at her again, as she stared into the black holes in your mask. Her face fell with realisation, then turned into a look of betrayal.

With the gun still pointing at her, you slowly pulled the mask off of your head with one hand, bits of your hair falling in front of your face. You grinned psychotically at her.

"Hey Sam" you said casually.

Sam looked like she was about to cry. Out of all you and your friends, you were the closest to her, aside from Tara. You two had always kept in touch, but you only did that to gain her trust.

You then pulled out Tara's inhaler from your pocket, and revealed it to Sam. She gave you a defeated look. Richie smiled sinisterly. "I can't believe this worked"

Sam still couldn't believe her own boyfriend would do this. She was mainly heartbroken over you and him.

"I know, it's a bummer it's us" you shrugged.

Richie pulled the voice changer out of his pocket and put it to his lips "But it really was the best choice for the movie" he chuckled crazily.

"This isn't a fucking movie!" Sam yelled in his face.

The smile fell from his face, and took the voice changer away from his lips. "No. But it will be"

"That's the point, right Amber?" he looked at her.

"Right? Third act, bloodbath, check! Killers reveal, check! Time for the big finale!" she grinned wickedly, pressing the gun into Sidney's temple. The grin quickly vanished from her face. She ragged Sidney up by her hair. "Go bitch!" she ordered, pushing Sidney into the kitchen.

"Someone needs to save the franchise!" Richie called, dragging Sam into the kitchen too, you following behind them. Amber pushed Sidney into the kitchen counter, and pointed the gun at her. Richie did the same with Sam.

"No one has made a great stab movie since the first one" Richie exclaimed. Amber jumped up and down excitedly.

"Hey Y/N, do you wanna go get the uh, very ex-Mrs Riley?" he turned to you.

"Yeah I do" you smirked. You swiftly walked out of the kitchen.

You swung the front door open to see Gale limping towards the car that she came in. You ran over to her. You grabbed a fist full of her hair and yanked it back, making her yelp.

"I don't think so, bitch" you gritted your teeth.

You pointed your gun at her temple and led her back towards the front door. You made your way back to the kitchen.

"Gale!" Sidney cried when she spotted you both

"Sit the fuck down" you yelled at her, pushing her down on a chair. She groaned and held her wound.

You and Amber swapped places and weapons. So you were holding a knife against Sidney's cheek, Amber pointed a gun at Gale as Richie did with Sam.

"You did all this..just to make me the hero of your fucked up movie?" Sam asked Richie in disbelief. He must have been telling her about his dumbass motive while you were retrieving Gale.

"Sweetie, your not the hero" he shook his head and pointed his gun under her chin "Your the villain"

"The daughter of Billy Loomis who sees fucked up visions of her dead dad" you gave Sam a cold glare.


i wrote this on the train LMAO im so bored.

i cba to write Richie and Amber's motive because it's confusing and dumb so i'll probably just shorten it down.

thank you for reading my story!

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