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Once Amber shut off the lights, you hid in the janitors closet that was nearby, and Amber hid in the empty room next to Taras.

You could hear Tara yelping quietly. You cracked the door open just a little, to see her in a wheelchair, pushing herself to the front desk to investigate. She winced and let out a small cry of pain every time she rolled the wheels, due to the stab wound in her hand.

You heard her gasp, as her phone rang. But you know it wasn't Amber, so it must have been Sam. But Tara ignored it, and kept on rolling the wheels forward.

Once she rolled round the corner, she saw the officers dead body lying in a pool of blood, his throat slashed. She gasped and put a hand over her mouth, sobbing quietly. She rolled herself closer to his body. She leant forward and lifted his arm up to check the gun holster, only to see the gun wasn't there.

She was letting out small cries of pain as she wheeled over back into her room. Once she got in, she closed the door behind her, but left it slightly ajar. You don't know what she was doing in there.

That's when you heard a door swing open, then click shut. You were confused at first, then you saw Richie walking down the hall.

He opened the door to Taras room, and she whacked him across the head with the phone.

"Ow!" he yelped, and stumbled to his knees. "Goddamn it!"

"Richie? What are you doing here?" Tara questioned frantically.

He got back to his feet, still rubbing his head. "Sam called, she said that..you were in trouble"

You then come out of the janitors closet, and snook up behind Richie. "Did you hit me with the phone?" he asked, puzzled.

"Look out!" Tara yelled, noticing you behind him. He turned around quickly. You lifted the knife above your head and slashed Richie's arm, he screamed in terror.

You then slammed his head into the door, knocking him unconscious, he collapsed outside of Tara's room. This was his own idea for you to do this, to get him off the suspect list. You turned your head slowly to a sobbing Tara.

Tara pushed a nearby IV into you with quite a lot of force, knocking you over. That's when she made her escape as quick as she could.

She didn't go very far obviously, because she was in a wheelchair with a wounded hand. She cried in pain again at the pressure she was putting down on her hand, fresh blood seeping through the bandage, staining it a new cherry red.

You slowly crawled to your feet. When you looked down the hall, Amber revealed herself from the room beside you. You were gonna let her take over on this one, so you backed into Tara's room.

Richie's phone then rang, and Amber pulled it out of his pocket to see it was Sam. She switched on the voice changer, then answered the phone and put it on speaker.

"Richie! Are you at the hospital?" you heard Sam say.

"Hello, Samantha" Amber replied creepily. "Richie can't come to the phone right now"

"He's finding out what happens to people who stick their noses in business that doesn't concern them" she snapped.

"Please don't hurt him!" Sam pleaded.

"I'll tell you what, you can choose. I'll only kill one" Amber reasoned, heading over to Tara slowly, as the other girl still tried struggling away in her wheelchair.

"What? No! Tara!" Sam yelled through the phone.

Tara was still trying to get away from Amber at a desperately slow pace, crying out in pain. Amber still headed towards her like she had all the time in the world.

"Who do you want to hear die?" she spoke darkly.

"No, please! I'm begging you please don't hurt them" Sam begged.

"Really? You can't save your own sister? All you have to do is say 'kill Richie'"

Amber now headed towards Tara swiftly, grabbed the handles of her wheelchair and leant it forwards, making her tumble out of it.

"No! Tara! Don't touch her!" Sam yelled through the phone, hearing her sisters wails. "Please, please, please i'm begging you!"

Amber threw the wheelchair to the side, and got her knife at the ready as Tara tried to desperately crawl away.

"Or say, 'kill Tara' and i'll make sure to hit all the organs I missed last time" Amber said wickedly.

"Fuck you!" Tara cursed, still trying to crawl away.

"I'm begging you, please don't hurt her!" Sam sobbed from the other line.

"Last chance to save one. Choose" She spoke casually.

Tara squealed with a mixture of terror and pain. "Why are you doing this?" Sam spoke.

"You wanna know why, Sam? Maybe it's because you're a selfish bitch who can't even make a decision to save the life of someone you love" Amber spat. She neared Tara slowly, who was still trying to desperately crawl away.

"Maybe you're too weak for this franchise" she added, putting each foot on either side of Tara, trapping her.

"Maybe your right" Sam sniffed.

Amber leaned down to Tara, raising her knife slowly. "Oh no!" Tara cried.

"Or maybe i'm just stalling for time, fuckhead" Sam snapped.

That's when the elevator dinged right on cue. Amber snapped her head upwards to see the elevator doors opening, Sam and Dewey stood inside.


i'm gonna leave this chapter here, and write Dewey's death the next chapter, just to spare you the pain. 🥲

don't forget to vote!


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