An Invitation

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"Thirty!" Eijiro Kirishima announced, his friend Katsuki Bakugo lowering steadily down from a pull up bar.

It was late Friday afternoon and they were at the school's campus gym, getting in their usual afternoon workout before the evening homework rush. As usual they'd spotted each other and chatted as the afternoon sun spilled its final rays.

Eijiro smiled, fist bumping the blond as he smeared a towel across his brow and snagged a swig of water. A droplet wavered momentarily on his lip, glinting prettily in the sun as breaths eased through his chest, as a question seemed to waver on his tongue.

"Exams start next week, right?" He draped the towel over he shoulder, eyes narrowing with some calculation of thought.

"Yeah, Tuesday. Why?"

"I'm gonna wrap up early then. I want extra time to study—" He eyed the redhead, taking another sip of water. "—and I suggest you do the same." 

Glancing at his watch Kirishima sighed, it was really only a few minutes off their usual two hours and he knew for a fact he didn't have room in the grade book to slip up on exams, some studying would certainly not hurt.

"Ugh, you're probably right."

"I'm always right." The blond smirked, flicking a few droplets of water at his friend.

Settled, they grabbed their few belongings and signed out at the front desk, Kirishima making sure to smile and bid the front desk attendant goodbye.

The weather outside was nice enough but the approach of summer wafted through the air with a clammy heat, refreshing winds mixing with the steamy air. A droplet of sweat beaded down Katsuki's neck making tanned skin glisten in the setting sun. Kirishima couldn't help but smile.

Out of the quiet, Katsuki's phone buzzed in his pocket, yet he blatantly ignored its alerts as they approached the dorms.

Passing by quick friends, they wove their way upstairs to Katsuki's dorm— which just so happened to neighbor Kirishima's. (It's canonical guys, look it up.)

As they set down bags and unpacked, his phone began to buzz again.

"Dude, you really should answer your phone." Kirishima said, taking a folder and textbook from his bag. Despite rolling his eyes and scoffing at the idea, Katsuki answered the call, flopping down on the bed and kicking his shoes off, making sure one hit Kirishima before tumbling to the floor.

Stifling laughs, the redhead shook his head and turned his attention to the night's homework, admittedly though he did listen in of his friend's conversation. Easily he could tell it was Mistuki Bakugo, Katsuki's mom, on the line, finding himself stifling snickers as her son pinched his nose bridge and ran a hand down his face trying desperately to contain his usual rude tone.

The blond shot him a quick look reading 'I am going to kill you'.  Eijiro offered a smile and quickly went back to the work was supposed to be working. The homework was a breeze surprisingly, usually math could be an hours long process but this? This was oddly easy. Almost as if he was doing something wrong. He didn't much care though, it was getting done and that was all he could want. Swiveling back and forth in the desk chair he was surprised to see the blond gesturing him over.

"Ei," Bakugo's voice cut through the slightness of quiet, beckoning him. Interested, Eijiro climbed up beside him on the bed, curiosity written on his face. "Yeah mom, he's right here."

He turned the phone to speaker mode and set it on the bedspread between them.

"You're on speaker, he- yeah, he can hear you." He said, interrupted by the crackle of the phone.

"Hey Ms. Mitsuki!" Kirishima cracked a toothy smile. He simply adored Katsuki's family— including Katsuki of course. 

"Kiri!!" She chortled through the crackle of loose connection, her voice that familiar feminine toughness, intimidating yet crisply smooth. "How are ya kid?"

"Great as always ma'am! How 'bout you?"

"Just fantastic. Y'all getting ready for summer? Finals?"

"Yeah, s'pose it's all coming up now." He nudged the blond, trying to spread his end-of-the-year anticipation through a bright beaming smile.

"Anyway, anyway, I had a question for you."

"Fire away."

"We have this family beach house on one of the the barrier islands—about 5 hours from Musutafa— me, Katsuki, and Inko were planning on leaving the day school gets out until the last week of July. Do you have any summer plans, because we would love to bring you along."

"Really?! I, well, I don't think we have any plans! Um, thank you for inviting me!" Bursting with excitement, he shook Bakugo's shoulder, receiving a terribly annoyed look, a look which he ignored.

"Yes, of course!!!"

Trying to keep up some sort of cool facade, Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"Alright, alright mom, E- Kirishima will talk to his parents. We'll see."

"Okay!! Bye sweetie!!" She said, almost teasingly as he son hurriedly hung up.

"Jeez," he scoffed, promptly tackled by his friend.

"SUMMER TOGETHER!!!" The redhead howled as soon as the call disconnected, hugging Katsuki so hard he may have dislodged a few joints and cracked a couple bones.

"GET OFF ME." He roared back, failing to squirm from Eijiro's arms. Palms crackling warningly against uncaring skin. "I SWEAR I AM GOING TO BLAST YOU!"

Kirishima didn't really care for the threat but he let go, still bouncing with wild eyes.

"Well, I mean I still have to ask my parents." He considered. "But still!"

"Obviously. No Kiri, run away with me. Terrify your moms, make them think you've disappeared. It'll be fun."

"Run away with you? Don't tempt me now." He punched Bakugo's shoulder, unable to help his wild smile.

"Shut up."

"You shut up."

"Point is, your parents haven't even okayed it so don't get your hopes up just yet." Despite the cold reaction, it was that slight emptiness in his tone that hinted Katsuki was reminding himself, keeping his joy reigned it in, nothing was set in stone... yet. Kirishima easily read him.

"I'll talk to them." A sideways grin spread across his lips, though Eijiro found himself taken aback by the sudden burst of blush it brought to his friend's cheeks. The blond didn't hesitate to scoff, shoving him face first into a pile of pillows.

"I'll kill you."

"I doubt it." Kirishima said through the muffle of pillows, rolling his head onto Katsuki's thigh. Staring up at him eyebrow raised, unconvinced. "Psh, you like me. You would keep me around if you didn't."

"Ha! Keep dreamin' dumbass. Keep dreamin'."


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