Backseat Driving

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Saturday morning, Eijiro woke bright and early, a full hour before the sun could even begin to stir. Frantically tucking last-minute necessities into his bags he tossed them by the door as hurried into the kitchen, brewing up a green tea for the travel tumbler. Patiently, he sat at the couch with the family's dog and watched television, alert for any message possibly coming through on his phone. Though, none came because it was four in the morning.

Eventually, after what felt like forever, four turned to five, five turned to six and six turned to seven and his mom's finally woke and came downstairs for their morning coffee. Smiling at his foolish joy they didn't forget to scold him for getting up so darn early when he knew he wasn't leaving until eight thirty.

He could barely wait the last hour. Like a child on Christmas, he practically squealed when he got the text that they were almost there. Quickly triple checking he had everything he was tugging on his shoes when a harsh knock rapped at the door and the blond didn't hesitate to let himself right in.

"Morning Mrs'," he waved to Eijiro's moms, sipping their coffees in the kitchen, nudging their son with his knee. "Ready to go?"

"Oh he's ready all right, been up since four." His Mom snickered from the kitchen, causing both his Mama and Katsuki to laugh.

"Mooom!" He whined, blushing lightly.

"What? Honey, it's cute!" She giggled, trying to hide her smile behind a sip of coffee.

"Mooooooooooommmm!!!" Shouldering his duffle and crossbody bag, the teen was almost as red as his brightly dyed hair.

"Quiet you. Anyway, she has a point." Bakugo snorted, opening the door for his friend and clapping him on the shoulder.


"Nothing. Say your goodbyes, you won't be back till August."

"Right sorry."

"Don't be sorry, just go give your parents a hug dumbass." Eijiro obliged, getting a punch on the shoulder along the way, a smug look knowing he wouldn't retaliate in front of his parents. Together, they bid final goodbyes and were out the door, meeting the minivan awaiting on the street.

Katsuki opened the trunk and Kirishima tossed his things in the back. Rounding the car they climbed into the back row, Mitsuki and Inko cheerily greeting Kirishima from the front.

"Ready to roll kid?" Mitsuki smiled as he buckled in, adjusting her mirror to see the two.

"He's been up since four ma', I'm pretty sure he's ready." Her son teased, flashing his friend an smug smirk.

"C'mon Kat! You don't have to bring it up again." He protested, pulling his bandana down over explosive pink blush.

"You're a funny one kiddo." Mitsuki guffawed, rounding the corner from his street to the main road. "Oh, you know Inko right?"

"I, um, I don't think so." Fixing his bandana and quickly regaining his composure, Eijiro tried his best to recover from that brutal dent on his dignity. A kind looking woman turned from the passengers seat, smiling sweetly and offering a wave. Her green hair framed prettily around her face, she was all soft edges and gentle smiles, almost the opposite of Mitsuki.

"Hi, I'm Izuku's mother, Inko Midoriya." She offered.

"Kirishima, Eijiro Kirishima." Sheepishly, he smiled, tucking a stray red spike from his forehead. He looked to Bakugo, who stuck his tongue out childishly, clearly enjoying seeing him try to be presentable. "Nice to meet you."

"A pleasure dear, I'm very glad to spend the summer with such pleasant young people. Really wish my Izuku would have come."

"Oh yeah, where is he? I-If I may ask." He added quickly, trying not to overstep so suddenly.

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