Summer's Approach

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"My moms said yes!!" Kirishima burst into his friend's dorm a wild glimmer in ruby eyes.

"Deadass?" Bakugo stood from his desk so fast his chair went rolling across the room, a smile twitching at his face.


Before he could get another word in, Kirishima charged at him tackling him in a hug and for as much as he wanted to feign annoyance, his reflexive explosive laugh and bright smile easily defied his wish.

"Settle down!" he managed, rolling his eyes as he shoved Kirishima's bear hug off him.

"Dude I already can't wait!!"

"Well I can. Five hours in the car with you? Kill me now." His arms crossed, an eyebrow raised in teasing judgment.

"Oh please. I saw your smile I know you're just as excited." Kirishim jabbed at his side, pleased by the hint of smile twitching at the blond's cheeks.

"No you didn't." He replied matter-of-factly.

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Di—Oh, just shut up!"

After that day, plans began to fall into place as the school year crept closer and closer to its last days. Painfully close to the end and abuzz with summer-talk, study sessions flourished and every extra minute was spent trying to stuff as much information as possible into their maxxed out brains before finals.

Kirishima, Bakugo, and their friends practically spent every waking hour cramming study time together as the days quickly ran out.

Finally, the week's worth of testing kicked off. Predictably, well, it was miserable.

But they managed, and soon enough they found themselves within a days of school ending, rushing to tie up loose ends and clean out the dorms for the summer.

Wednesday night, Kirishima sat on the floor of his dorm, taking it all in. There was so much stuff. He glanced to the stack of boxes, he shouldn't have waited until two days before school ending to do this.

Dramatically, he slumped backwards, staring up at the ceiling. The fan spun overhead leaving it painfully quiet aside. Footsteps pattering against the carpet outside, a voice growing behind the door. The door swung open, brushing a gust of air over Eijiro, gently blowing strands of hair into his face as his eyes rolled back to see who it was.

"Hey Ei, do you—" the blond standing in the doorway trailed off, annoyance twitching in his eye. "Wait, you still haven't packed up your stuff?!"

Kirishima offered a guilty smile, staring sheepishly up at the blond.

"Nevermind. C'mon, get up. We're doing this."


"Yes, now." Katsuki leaned over, grimacing down at his friend. "What I needed can wait. You want to take that trip right?"

Sitting up, Kirishima grabbed a box, beginning to unfold it from its flat form.

"I hate when you're right." He huffed.

"Well, you probably hate me quite a bit then." The redhead rolled his eyes 'accidentally' elbowing him.

The process was slow at first, carefully tucking trinkets and decor into boxes but rapidly expanded to clothing and deconstructing his small desk chair . It was almost saddening to pack his little treasures away for the summer but it also meant they were so close to being done with school.

When the walls were bare, and five wide boxes sat in the corner, the sun had just begun to set, the sky thickly tinted with hot pinks, lush purples and neon oranges, on fire with colors.

They decided it'd be far to late by then to transport them back to Kirishima's house, it would be done tomorrow after school. Downstairs, dinner was ready and they hastily abandoned the now empty room for a hot plate and dumb discussion.

Trying to clear out the fridge, they were having frozen pizza, which, as usual, was a fan favorite.

Chatter about summer and grades and passes and fails exploded among the class, final plans and expectations circulating from speculation to reality. Rising up as 12th graders was the most exciting milestone and all were abuzz when the topic was brought up. Honestly, Kirishima didn't much care for that false sense of superiority, Katsuki, on the other hand, stayed quiet but there was an obvious evil glint in those fiery red eyes. He was a fan of that idea. Ejiro couldn't help but snicker as his nibbled on a pepperoni.

That night they retired late, past midnight, chatting, laughing, and playing games as the moon rose and just started to fall. Even Katsuki was up pretty late, which was unheard of.
When they did finally make it to bed, Kirishima lay awake. His dorm a ghostly remnant of its former self, lifeless, empty, walls stripped of their vibrancy in the soulless moonlight. Sighing, he rolled onto his stomach, stuffing his face in his pillow, he hated the sight.

The next day was easy, and as if a blur, the last day of school had passed by. After bidding appropriate goodbyes and helping clean the classrooms for next year, Kirishima and Katsuki departed at noon, taking with them the contents of their emptied dorms.

Before he even knew it, Kirishima was laughing in the passenger side of his best friend's car, sun beating down on pink cheeks, subdued music leaking from the radio. The car slowed gently along the secluded suburban street arriving at the gate of the Kirishima household. Flashing a smile, the blond pulled the keys from the ignition and twirled them around his finger.

"Ready to go?" He asked, stuffing the keyring in the pocket of his favorite varsity jacket, the jacket loosely thrown over his school dress shirt.

"Psh, ready as ever." Beaming, Eijiro playfully punched his friend's shoulder and slid out the passenger side door. Scoffing and rolling his eyes in that endearing way he did, Katsuki slammed the driver door behind him and rounded the car to pop the trunk.

He helped drag the boxes from the car to the entryway of the home, offering passing conversation with Kirishima's moms as he wove in and out. It didn't take too long and under the high noon rays, Katsuki was annoyed to find himself wrapped in Eijiro's arms, squeezing him to death in a temporary goodbye  hug.

"LET ME GO!!" He whined, clawing at the redhead.

"Bye Kat!! See you tomorrow!!" Eijiro called after Katsuki wormed his way out of the hug and jogged back to his car, making his swift  escape.

Excitement bubbled in Kirishima's chest and he couldn't help the overwhelming joyous anticipation exploding through his blushed face.

"You torture that boy." One of his moms tisked, passing by with a basket of fresh laundry.

"He loves me he just doesn't admit it." He laughed, gently closing the door behind himself. Despite the quizzical look, a slight smile cracked her lips and she continued about her business. His other mom appearing suddenly behind him, fluffing spiked hair as her way of greeting.

"C'mon kid, let's get these back to your room, you've got packing to do." She picked up a box and he followed suit, swirls of delight glittering in his eyes. The trip was just a night away. He could practically pass out from anticipation right then. One night, that was all between him and summer.

One night. Just one night.


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