Sunkissed, Starlit

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Authors Notes are back in because... actually idk I guess I love to overshare???

The summer was beginning to pass by with a surprising ease, blurring in a haze of sunshine and delight. That brief homesickness plaguing Kirishima had come and gone like a small storm, and he had settled right back into his usual self. They spent afternoons at the beach or the river, wandering town or just hanging around the house, relaxing in a sort of comfortable and spontaneous chaos. No plans to tie them down just a desire to do something and going right ahead. But, as most things, it couldn't last forever.

That night was a laidback Sunday, a Sunday marking the beginning of their last week at the house. It seemed like just yesterday that the school year had ended, when, in fact, that day was three weeks ago.

That night, the realization posed no such urgency, remaining in line with many other evenings as Katsuki and Eijiro finished scrubbing and drying the dishes from their dinner. Well, tonight was slightly special as Mitsuki and Inko had run by a market the previous day and picked up a basket of peaches, plump and soft with their perfectly ripened nectar so they could make a batch of Mitsuki's famous peach cobbler. According to Katsuki, it was the best dessert he'd ever had. (He would, of course, never say this to her face though.)

Kirishima put up the last plate, and swung the cabinet shut, Katsuki drying his hands and folding the dishtowel before grabbing his possessions and heading for the stairs, turning back for half a moment to make sure Kirishima had trailed along, smiling subtly when the redhead, in fact, was.

"Hey Ma' mind calling us when dessert's ready?" He called down as the climbed the staircase, catching a glimpse of Mitsuki's thumbs-up before they reached the second floor.

Upstairs, Katsuki flopped down into the cloud of blankets in his bunk, grabbing a book tucked beside the mattress while Eijiro rooted around his duffle for pair of pajamas. Pulling out a ratty old t shirt and pair of too-big pants, he decided this combination was sufficient, setting the set on a dresser while he pulled off his bandana. As he tossed the bandana up to his bunk, a silver glint across the room caught his eye.

Framed by the window, the moon sat delicately upon a bed of stars, shining brightly in the darkness. He paused, not for the moon but rather enamored by the clusters of multicolored stars so individually distinct like a field of wildflowers, each different yet painting a rainbow sea out of a simple field.

"You can see the stars so well here... you know, without all the city lights 'n stuff." Eijiro said, admiring their glitter just a moment longer, smile settling on his lips. The blond looked up from his book, gazing out the window at the vast array of starlight and moon.

"Moon's full too." He remarked.

"It's all so pretty isn't it? Don't know 'bout you but I've always been partial to the night sky."

"It all looks so contained in the window." Katsuki's eyes fell to his friend but he paused, considering, the cogs silently turning in his mind. "You wanna get a better view?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" The redhead perked up, curious despite skeptical.

"The stars, Ei. We've got a few minutes until dessert don't we?" Bakugo dog-eared his book page, swinging his legs over the bedside.

"Um sure," forgetting the pajamas, Eijiro followed Katsuki to the large casement window where he reached up and unlatched the window, abruptly concerning his friend. "...I  think?"

His concern only grew when Bakugo pushed open the window and effortlessly climbed out. Unsteady for a moment he quickly gained his footing on the shingles and reached inside, offering a hand for his friend to take. But Kirishima hesitated at the offer.

"You coming?" Katsuki's hair blew lightly with a passing breeze, moonlight halo making him look, in a way, angelic.

"Is this safe?" He asked, almost jokingly.

"Probably not." Katsuki shrugged, a smile gracing his softly pink cheeks. The smile seemed to be contagious as Eijiro couldn't help but let his common sense go and accept the outstretched hand, pulling him out into the brisk night air. An immediate calm breeze grazed across their cheeks, moon casting its pure silver glow among the many stars adorning the inky night.

"Wow," Kirishima exhaled, his delicate word carried by the gentle wind.

"Pretty sweet, isn't it?" A few feet from the window, Katsuki laid back across the cool tiles, smile wide as he took in the sky. Stepping carefully Eijiro sat at his side, transfixed by the sheer amount of stars he could see.

They were quiet for a while, each soaking in the view, letting the stars imprint their design into longing irises, lacking the words to properly say anything.

"You know," Katsuki said, after a while, sitting up. "This is one my favorite places."

"I can see why." Eijiro murmured softly, glancing to his friend, accidentally meeting that ruby gaze, complimented by the blond's soft smile. His cheeks warmed.

"Damn, you're still sunburnt from the beach aren't you?"

"Am I?" Caught off guard, Eijiro touched his cheeks.

"You're still bright red." Katsuki's laughed with a beautifully uncharacteristic lightheartedness. Running fingers delicately over his face feeling Eijiro felt warmth but no pain. He faltered, feeling the warmth flush deeper. It was blush. Silently jarred, he didn't feel the necessity to mention it.

"Yeah, guess I am." He mumbled, pulling his knees to his chest and resting his head atop them. His friend didn't reply, his gaze falling back to the sky, still that soft smile on his cheeks.



Their eyes met in the dark and Katsukilet a small laugh slip, confusing his friend who could only raise an eyebrow in response.

"You're the first."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I've never taken anyone up here before," the blond continued. His hand faltered atop the redhead's, timid, hesitant, testing the waters, gauging a reaction to this new attempt at a gesture. "Of course you had to be the first."

"I can't tell if that's a compliment." He smiled playfully.

"Neither can I."

Unexpectedly, Katsuki let out a breath allowing his head to flop softly on Eijiro's shoulder, surprising the redhead, though he didn't move, nor flinch. The blond was calm, breathing steadily, unbothered despite how unlike him the gesture was.

"In that case, I'm glad you brought me up here." The redhead said finally, thumb running over Katsuki's knuckles.

"Ugh, don't go getting all corny on me." He laughed, eyes rolling in that same joking way.

"No man, I'm serious, it's awesome, thank you."


"Boys!! Dessert!!!" A familiar voice blew through the window, echoing from outside the bedroom.

"That's our cue, isn't it?" Katsuki lifted his head, slowly stretching before standing.

"Probably." Eijiro agreed, standing, though, less gracefully.

Carefully, they lowered themselves back through the window, Eijiro needing a slight hand from his friend before he was back on the floor. They latched the window and drew the curtain, before following the warm scent of peaches downstairs and to the kitchen where two warm slices of steaming peach cobbler awaited.

"How do you feel about a round of Mario Kart?" Bakugo asked, spooning a bite of crumble topping into his mouth. 

"I dunno Kat, how do you feel about losing?" Kirishima retorted slyly.

"Losing?! Ha!! You might know a thing or two about that but I certainly don't!"

The two finished their dessert and jumped on the tv for a brutal round of MarioKart. It was safe to say, Katsuki did not win. But, nonetheless, that smile failed to lift from pink-dusted cheeks and for Eijiro, that was better than any victory.


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