Ripple Effect

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I accidentally joined my school's faculty... um, oops I guess???

The next morning, Bakugo's  thoughts were plauged by the night. Surprised by how calm he'd been, how open, how gentle. He hadn't shown anyone that kind of affection since, well, since he could remember so why last night? Why Eijiro? What was he doing?

"Dammit Eijiro," he muttered to himself, aggressively taking a bite of his waffle.

"What? Wait why?" Eijiro asked, his own waffle popping out of the toaster as he gave Katsuki a fake pouty face.

"Oh, not you this time." Dropping it, the redhead shrugged, opening and closing the refrigerator and several cabinets.

"You have the syrup?" Katsuki didn't reply but slit the bottle across the counter to his friend who swiftly intercepted it. "Thank ya!"

Katsuki glared at him, glowing in the sunlight, smiling cheerily, hair freshly spiked, and angrily took another bite of his waffle, which was burning in his sparking palms.

"Kat, are you sure—"

"Ei?" The redhead turned, attentive. "Shut up."


Passing by on his way to the table, Eijiro put a hand on the blond's shoulder squeezing it lightly and smiled, his little reminder that he was there, unbothered, and gently welcoming, before continuing on to the breakfast table.

"Yeah, yeah," Katsuki grumbled, his mood slightly lightening.

They ate their breakfast in silence, wallowing in the cool, quiet house while Mitsuki and Inko were out for one of their frequent morning walks. The air wasn't tense as much as it was thick, thoughts clouding the room with an underlying sort of tension. Despite it, and for their separate reasons, neither bought it up.

Kirishima finished his breakfast, clearing his plate only to find a note scrawled in messy pink writing, sitting beside the sink. 'Be back soon. Out for a walk. Get ready to go to the river. If you want to bring lunch pack yourself one.'

He skimmed the note, placing it back on the counter and began to get out stuff for sandwiches. Katsuki was still sulking at the counter, picking at his waffle and scrolling through the internet. Ignoring his little mood, Kirishima assumed he was coming along anyway anyway.

"Waffle wasn't enough?" The blond piped up after a few moments of judgmental staring.

"Nah, waffle was plenty, mom- er, your mom left a note that we were planning on hitting the river today. Figured we might want to eat while we're there." Kirishima said, lacing his tone with a hint of sarcasm toward the end.

"Oh," Katsuki glanced at the counter, noticing four slices of bread instead of two. "You're... making two?

"Yeah, one for me and one for you, duh."

"You... made me one too?"

"Yeah, 'course, why wouldn't I? And don't worry," he added quickly. "Turkey BLT with avocado, just the way you like."

"Oh, thanks, Ei." For whatever reason, the simple gesture melted his frown away, somehow surprised that Eijiro knew him so well, touched perhaps.

"Yep! 'd you mind grabbing towels and sunscreen?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, yeah, sure." He was about to fetch the items when he stopped himself, hesitating for a moment. "Um... I... I didn't mean to... you know... "

"I'm not bothered."

"No, I... sorry."

"You're good man. Now, would you mind getting those towels?"

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