Bike Rides

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I love these two so much they have such a perfect and unique dynamic :)

That first morning, Katsuki had woken to find himself on the couch—a place he had not intended to sleep, with Kirishima slumped over on him like a giant rag doll. Ugh, Idiot. Resisting the urge to shove him off the couch, he managed not to disturb the drooling redhead while worming his way out from under his limp body. Stretching sleep from his limbs, he pulled the throw blanket from an armchair around himself and moseyed to the kitchen, plopping down on one of the barstools at the kitchen's peninsula.

Predictably, his phone was nearly dead when he took it from the counter where it had been left the night before. Sighing, he plugged it in, checking the activity across various apps before going to look around for some food.

Unfortunately for him, they had no food (unless you count a box of baking soda I guess). 

"Looking for something?" A familiar groggy voice asked.

"Mornin' Ei," he replied, shutting yet another empty cabinet. "You hungry at all?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I dunno." Taking the throw blanket Bakugo had grabbed earlier and left on the stool and wrapping it around his own shoulders Kirishima plopped down on a barstool.

"Cupboards are bare but I know a spot a few blocks down if you don't mind biking a little." He glanced at his friend who was still half asleep and not really listening. "We'll give it a few minutes."

Taking up the chair beside Eijiro, the blond re-opened his phone, texting back a few ignored chats and scrolling through the void of social media. Quickly though, he bored, obeying the grumbling pout of his stomach.

"Ei, we'll leave in a few minutes. I'm gonna go change and you should probably do the same." He announced after a moment. Much more awake, Kirishima nodded, tailing him up the creaky stairs to the undisturbed bedroom where their suitcases were— the bedroom they were supposed to have slept in.

Unzipping suitcases, both rifled around for a minute before tugging on a set of fresh clothes. Kirishima grabbed his phone from the place he'd left it charging, Katsuki took his wallet, stuffing it in the pocket of his shorts and the two scribbled a note before shuffling outside to the basement where they retrieved bikes (Katsuki had informed him that was the best way to travel around the small island).

It took a minute to adjust the bikes but soon enough, they were rolling down the car-free streets. Kirishima carefully followed the blond down winding suburban streets, as he seemed to have an internal map of the place, guiding them with ease into the quiet downtown still barely waking itself. Despite being behind, Eijiro could see the slightest of smiles behind spikes of blond hair whipping in the breeze, unable to help his own smile at the sight.

Expertly navigating sandy streets brimming with tropical flowers Bakugo led them to an almost cottage-like storefront along the silent main road. It's navy blue and white exterior invitingly crisp. The two parked their bikes in the bike rack out front and wandered in.

It was cute inside. Predictably beach themed like almost every establishment on the island but it was clean and the pastries in the display case looked absolutely scrumptious.

Bakugo paused, considering the menu chalkboard board hanging from the ceiling and glancing at the pastries. Gently, he nudged the redhead as they joined a short line.

"You know what you're getting?" He asked, keeping his tone low in the quite cafe. It was funny how different he sounded just talking hushed, Kirishima held back a teasing comment.

"Not really." Eijiro thought for a moment. "Wait, you've been here, what's good?"

"What? Oh, no, I've never been I just know it's here."

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