What the Stars Changed

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Me: he's just starting to fall, (but slowly)
Also me: he's fallen over the cliff

Though it had felt too soon, the final day had arrived in all its doom and glory. Despite the imminent end, that particular brand of depressing anticipation didn't loom like it did at the end of many good times, instead it sat peacefully in an acceptably finite way.

"Oi, these yours or mine?" Katsuki asked, holding up a pair of khaki shorts, a small but easily recognizable star embroidered on one pocket, the barely risen sun framing him in pinkish haze.

"Uhhhhhh..." Kirishima, rolled over in his bunk, freshly woken, squinting at the shorts. "No clue. I think, um... nah, I dunno."

"I'm putting them with your stuff."

"Does it really even matter?"

"Probably not.

"Half your stuff ends up at my house anyway and I can guess there's a good deal of my crap at your house." Kirishima muttered, letting his arm hang over the bed's edge.

"Yeah, there's definitely plenty of your stuff in my room already." He decided, tossing the shorts into a pile of general laundry. "You oughtta come down here and pack before you forget."

"I'll do it later, I'm still waking up."

"Ei, just do it. We both know your version of 'later' means I'll forget by the time 'Later' comes around."

"Ugh, why are you always so right?"

"Because I'm awesome." He paused for a beat, folding a t-shirt. "also helps that I know you pretty well."

Sighing dramatically, Kirishima climbed down from the bed and took a seat beside his friend on the floor, a laundry basket between them and their respective bags on their respective sides as he joined in folding the clothes, freshly cleaned.

"Oooh, it's still warm!"

"Gee you think? It just came outta the dryer dumbass."

"I mean, I didn't think we'd put it in the wash last night?"

"We didn't. I got up early 'n you know... I did the laundry." Katsuki mumbled doing his very best job pretending not to care. "You were still asleep."

"Oh, well thanks then."

"Shut up."

Slowly and rather haphazardly, the two sorted their things— sorted may have been the wrong term, as they each had a varied mix of each others clothes, but nonetheless, they packed up and picked up the bedroom until it was nearly the same as it'd been the day they arrived. When they had nearly finished a knock rang from the door, it was Mitsuki who had brought up a plate of sliced fruit for breakfast. The two didn't hesitate to drop what they'd been doing, quickly thanking her before they eagerly dug in.

As they ate their breakfast, sitting across from each other on the bedroom's carpet, chatting happily, Kirishima's phone buzzed. He ignored the first buzz, and the second, but on the third he begrudgingly turned over his the device, skimming the texts from his moms— articles about a meteor shower.

"Hey, there's a meteor shower tonight. Any interest, Kat?"

"Only if you are." He replied blandly, popping a raspberry in his mouth.

"We don't have to. My moms just texted about it and I thought it might be kinda—"

"I'd love to see it. How 'bout that?" He interrupted, not looking away from a raspberry or even batting an eye. Kirishima didn't reply, smiling softly as he replied to the text and turned his phone back off, ruby eyes falling back on his friend. "I think we were going to do bonfire 'n s'mores so we'll probably be outside anyways."

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