Salt & Sand

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I ❤️ MILF Mitsuki

Katsuki couldn't place the feeling lingering in his ribcage, warmly and soft, sickeningly sweet in its immovable way. He frowned as he poured a mug of coffee for his friend. He knew that feeling was familiar, and old sensation; in fact, he hated how recognizably foreign it was. It was comfort pure yet bitingly simple.

"Ei," he beckoned, pushing the moment aside.

"Oh, thanks!" Eijiro happily accepted the mug, pajamas hanging gently off his frame, red spikes of hair tumbling in front of crimson eyes, glittering sharp with sunlight. Katsuki wanted to scoff but couldn't bring himself to it, sufficing a slight smile instead. "Did—"

"Yeah, I put sugar and creamer."

"Thanks Kat."

"Whatever." He grumbled, plopping down at the counter beside his friend. Neither spoke but the quiet was comfortable, shimmering in the rays of morning sunshine. They talked little, just sipping their mugs until Mitsuki and Inko woke.

The morning was slow and soft like many, but not dull, never dull. It was sunny and warm but not hot, decidedly a perfect beach day. Once everyone had sufficiently woken up, beach totes were packed, swimsuits were adorned, and sunscreen was haphazardly slathered on.

The beach itself wasn't far and they settled upon taking bikes rather than driving the short distance. Baskets brimmed with their bags and water bottles as they biked the quiet streets, a breeze whipping happily through loose hair. The sun had slowly climbed to high noon and as heat rose in the air they parked their bikes on a rack beneath a shady palm tree, grabbing the bags and such from the baskets to bring down to the shore.

Few people crowded the sand that day and they settled upon a secluded spot in which to drop their stuff for the afternoon. Without hesitation Katsuki dropped a pile of towels and kicked off his flip-flops, trotting down to the crashing waves, never turning back to look knowing his friend was less than a step behind. Sure enough, when he crashed into the cool water, there was Eijiro, barreling into a breaking wave. Droplets of salty water splashed against Katsuki's smiling face as he cringed at the splash. Happy and soaked, the redhead broke the surface, shaking the water from his hair like a dog, splashing Katsuki even more.

"Ack! Eijiro!!!" He exclaimed, shielding his face behind an ineffective hand, receiving only unapologetic laughter in response.

"C'monnnn we're in the ocean!! It's not like you're going to stay dry!"

"I wasn't expecting- oh whatever!" A smirk spread swiftly across Katsuki's face before he tackled the other teen into the water, drenching both of them in a move of glorious revenge.

Bubbles plumed in the water as they resurfaced, Eijiro's red hair plastered across his smiling face. Idiot. Katsuki thought, playfully splashing his friend.

The sun glittered against the deep blue ocean like a liquid sapphire as they floated and splashed through the afternoon. Mitsuki and Inko joined in a bit later, just wading and chatting through the waves. The day passed quickly and before anyone had noticed the afternoon had become dusk and they were all sun kissed, salty, and tired. Wrapped in towels they gathered their belongings and trudged back to the bikes for the short ride back to the house.

On the way back, the sky had fallen from a rich pink to a hazy indigo purple and the air chilled slightly as fireflies rose from the grass. It was a truly pretty, peaceful, scene. They parked their bikes beneath a the house and left sandy beach bags beside before washing their feet in the hose and heading inside for real showers.

They ate leftovers for dinner, each at their own pace as they emerged from their showers and moseyed downstairs.

Katsuki halfheartedly nibbled on a bowl of mac n cheese noticing but not acknowledging Eijiro's presence as he took a seat across from him, eyes fixed out the window. Amid the settled darkness raindrops softly splattered on the window pane, trickling tiredly down to the sill. He sighed, exhaustion heavy on his eyelids, certainly worn from their day's excursion. Losing interest in his food and gaining some in laying down he turned to Eijiro, who looked equally tired. Silently, he waited for his friend to finish before taking his bowl to the fridge and unplugging his phone from  the kitchen charger— a courtesy he didn't know why he'd indulged in. At a passing glance the clock read sometime after eight which he figured was good enough timing for his tired limbs.

"I'm headed up to bed, you—"

"Right behind you." Eijiro finished blandly, snagging a cookie from a box of store-bought frosted ones. Katsuki flashed a thumbs up, finding an gentle almost worried smile on his lips, he didn't quite understand why, but it was there.

Without another word they parted, Katsuki bidding a goodnight to his mother before meandering upstairs to the comfort of his unmade bed. He laid on his phone for a while, back to the door as he heared Eijiro enter soon after and slowly begin the familiar ritual of his nightly routines. Eventually the redhead climbed the ladder rungs to his bed and flipped off the lights, thunder rolling outside in the unsettled darkness.

Despite the drumming of rain, Katsuki still overheard the awkward shuffling of a restless body, unable to find comfort enough to sleep. Kirishima had seemed tired earlier, or at least out of it, and it truly was unlike him to be so uneasy and fidgety. The blond waited another few minutes but the turning ruckus didn't cease.

"I can hear you tossing around up there." He said, almost playfully masking the slight concern bubbling up in his chest.

"Oh... sorry."

Katsuki paused almost hesitantly, his voice adjusting, airier and, in a way, gentler.

"Can't sleep?"

"I..." sheepish, Eijiro trailed away. "...Yeah."

Sighing, the blond cursed himself under his breath, muffled by the crashing thunder rattling against the window.

"Come on down."


"My laptop has Netflix."

"Are you s-"

"Yeah, but you better hurry before I reconsider."
Without another word, Eijiro obliged, mouth twitching with an appreciative despite homesick smile. Homesick, the word fit uncomfortably well to Bakugo's mind as he studied that distant ruby gaze. Frankly he didn't know what to make of his conclusion but turned on his computer anyways, ignoring it would suffice tonight.

"You're making me soft Ei, you're making me soft." He remarked, fluffing the blankets and making space for his friend at his side.

"Mmhmm," In his eye that hazy longing for a distant comfort swam, unsatisfied but appreciative.

Amid the chaos of the storm they were quiet with eachother, huddled in the small twin bed, pinkish faces illuminated by the artificial glow of Katsuki's computer screen. It wasn't long after they'd picked a show that the blond felt Kirishima slump against his shoulder.

"Dude get off—" Softly Eijiro snored and Katsuki realized he was asleep. Suddenly he found himself stifling a smile—despite the wishes of his dignity. He shut the laptop and tucked it under the bed, pulling the comforter over his friend. Scoffing almost in jest, he stuffed a pillow between them and burrowed into the covers. "Night Ei,"


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