
70 5 17

Sorry I disappeared lol

The days had begun to pass, slowly, softly, and Kirishima was beginning to synchronize with the rhythms of the house and learn the routs of the roads. He could almost navigate to main town and back by the end of their first week, but still needed a bit of a lead to keep him on track. He'd long since gotten used to Katsuki's snoring and his constant presence but he was still navigating without his parents presences. The dorms had gotten him partially accustomed to their absence but this was slightly different, the alien feeling that they weren't just a couple blocks away but Eijiro managed, though, mostly because it was Katsuki, any other friend and he might've been homesick but Kat? Kat was practically his second home— not physically, obviously, but mentally and emotionally he was... well, he was something special.

"Eij' your bandana, it's crooked dumbass." The blond announced, disrupting Eijiro out of various thoughts and considerations.

"Huh? Oh, I didn't notice." He reached up to fix it, really only succeeding to make it more crooked along his hairline.

"Well I did," Katsuki rolled his eyes, setting his phone on the living room's coffee table. "C'mere,"

It was Kirishima's turn to roll his eyes but he obliged, allowing warm hands to adjust his favorite red bandana, almost laughing at the intent and focus in Katsuki's eyes. Despite, he kept his admirational snickers to himself, biting his tongue as he noticed the fizzs and pops arising from Katsuki's hands as he leaned back, apparently satisfied.

"Snap, crackle, pop much?" He said, accidentally making a reference to a certain cereal that had become an inside joke between them, much to the blond's dismay.

"I swear I'm gonna-"

"You two ready yet?" Mitsuki interrupted, probably saving Kirishima from certain death.

"Yes ma'am," they replied in unison, Katsuki still miffed, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets in an effort to keep them to himself.

That afternoon they're were going into the mainland's coastal city, to see the sights and other such touristy attractions. It wasn't too far, just across a stretch of bridge that allowed access to and from the island, a short, historic town, quiet but certainly much larger than the island.

Inko was the motive for their visit that evening as she had really wanted to see the city's iconic garden squares, famously donning mossy trees older than the buildings, well-tended flora, and delicately carved fountains. She'd even made a point to put on her favorite casual dress for the occasion. Mitsuki, on the other hand, didn't much care for the tediousness of gardens and such, but she just went along with it anyways since the other had an interest.

The teens trailed the adults out to the minivan and buckled in for the half-hour drive to the mainland. As usual, Mistuki blasted music and the car was alive with smiles and golden light as the sun began its steady decent toward the horizon.

As the blond let loose an unbridled smile to a stupid joke, Eijiro couldn't help but notice how much... softer Katsuki had become in just the week and a half of their trip. It was... well, it was nice to see.

"What're you gawking at?" Bakugo muttered, lifting his chin off his palm, eyebrows furrowed despite the smile still lingering on his cheeks.

"Um, you know, just... out the window." Eijiro lied quickly, refocusing his gaze outside.

"Look out your own window."

"I'll look out whatever window I want."

"Not this one—"

"Katsuki, jeez, what're you five?" Mitsuki chimed in, disappointed.

"Oh, come on mom, Eiji knows I'm messin' with him."

"It's true."

She sighed, shaking her head, as the car pulled into the a parking garage.

"Something else, you two are something else." She muttered.

The sun was nearly set by the time they stumbled out of the labyrinth of parking, cricketsong humming in the pinkish air as gold and neon business signs beginning to illuminate the streets.

The gardens weren't anything formal just beautifully landscaped city squares, donning old fountains and older trees that served a nice place to mosey around as one admired the city. Inko adored it, especially as rows of twinkly lights flickered on giving a golden fairytale ambience to the air. She seemed to enjoy it and for the rest of the group that was enough. Their tour of the garden was brief but enjoyable and after quickly tiring of walking amid the call of grumbling stomachs, they decided it would be fun to stay and eat.

Without much discussion they simply stopped at a close by food truck and ate in the main park square. It was quite nice to be honest. By the time they'd finished eating, Mitsuki and Inko had a hankering for a sweet treat and, thankfully for them, Mistuki knew an ice cream spot just a block down. The line was long with the after dinner rush and after some slight convincing the teens stayed at the across park while the moms waited in line.

They took to one of the empty benches, quiet for a moment amid the night's humming chorus. It was quiet between them for a moment, almost awkwardly so. Katsuki was on his phone but he didn't seem to care for whatever was on the screen, Eijiro at his side toying with a blade of tall grass. Quickly the blond bored of his phone, glancing to his friend, eyebrows knitting.

"Oi, bandana again." Katsuki huffed gently, pointing toward his forehead.


"Oh my—just come here." He reached up, adjusting it, only to find the fabric continuing to slip down. "You have a clip or anything?"

Eijiro grimaced, shaking his head.

"Really?" Sighing, the blond reached around finding the knot, hands accidentally brushing the warm curve of his neck, sending blush and chills across the redhead's skin. Eijiro smiled helplessly crooked. For what reason though, he would probably never know.

Satisfied with the adjustment he leaned back and frowned, reaching back to tuck a strand of hair behind a red ear. Soft hands, soft touch. Despite their time together Katsuki still managed to  surprise him on occasion. The blond sat back, seemingly satisfied yet unaware of his ability to be so gentle.

"Uh... th-thanks... man."

"Ice cream!!!" Inko interrupted, saving him a certain bout of embarrassment.

"Yeah, 'course." The blond uttered,almost inaudible, accepting a cone of pistachio ice cream. Kirishima smiled and accepted his own mango ice cream. They ate quietly beneath the twinkle lights, crickets singing softly to their ears.

Happy and tired they returned to the car for the quiet drive back and an early but needed bedtime.

Despite, that wonder wouldn't leave Eijiro's mind, even as he slept. That same repeating thought.

Soft hands, soft touch.

What was he even thinking? He wished he knew.

Ah the joys of writing: That gr (did I just die here lmao what happened where did I go in the middle of the sentence???)

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