Something New

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Sorry ab the cliffhanger I was mad at Neil Gaiman

"Katsuki." The redhead breathed, their eyes locking for a brief eternity, warm air puffing against freshly imprinted lips. "Well... I'll give it to you, you didn't say anything."

"Oh, Ei, you dumbass." Katsuki couldn't help but laugh gently at the stupidity of it all. "Of course that's the first thing you say."

"I, um..." the quiet between them was momentarily painful, as both struggled for words.

"I... I wasn't expecting you to, um... I-I wasn't expecting you to expect it." Katsuki said finally.


"You... you kissed me. I was going to......"

"Oh," Kirishima nearly laughed, but held his composure. "Sorry?"

"Well, I- I didn't really mind." Katsuki replied, pink blush flooding his cheeks, framing a smile saturated with admiration and near disbelief. "I think... this changes things, doesn't it?"

"Does it have to?"

"No. But I think I'd like if..." he trailed off, surprised by his own words.

"If..." Kirishima led.

"If it changed some things."

"Like... like I... I can kiss you?"

"W-, um, I, Kiri-, y- we- I, um...." he stopped himself, exhaling a long breath, palms crackling and popping wildly with a dozen small explosions. "I think... I think that you make me feel different. I-I don't know why, but I... I don't know I just...... I like the space you take up in my life and I want you to be here for... for a long time. I like the way you are and the way you exist. No-nobody does it quite like you, and I think... I think that I like that."

"Are you... are you trying to say you... you love me?"

"Something like that." Katsuki murmured, unable to meet Kirishima's eyes.

"I love you too."

Katsuki lifted his eyes, finally seeing Eijiro, red hair blowing gently in the wind, eyes glittering with stars, that smile so, so, softly on his lips, and when a meteor arced over his head, he looked anew and the relief of love pounded in the blond's heart.

"Yeah, I love you." He said stupidly, and his palms exploded into a miniature fireworks display. Almost desperate to shut himself up, or perhaps just prevent Kirishima from laughing, his pressed a sudden kiss onto his smiling lips, catching him off guard, allowing the seconds to stretch as far as they could, barely able to contain the moment. They separated after a long moment, and Katsuki's hand inched into the red head's. "Let's... let's be like this. For a long time."

"I think that would be good." Eijiro smiled, watching a meteor streak through the reflection in Katsuki's eyes.

They stayed up on the roof until the bonfire went out and the ladies went to bed. They stayed until the meteors had come and gone. They stayed limbs tangled in idiotic happiness until the moon began to fade, then, reluctantly, they went inside. Suddenly though, their separate bunks felt too far away and Eijiro found himself sleeping peacefully tangled in the blond's bed.

The next morning, they rose early and as the night flooded back, their eye met and they dissolved into blushed giggles. They woke softly to a home filled with flurries of excitement as everybody worked to pack up the car. And gather any final belongings. Awkwardly, for the first time, Kirishima and Bakugo kept bumping into eachother with foolish laughter and pink cheeks, feeling their way around a new territory. Neither of the women, despite noticing, mentioned it the whole ride back.

It was new, like the first bite of the summer's first peach. New, but familiar in its way. And it lingered sweetly; the start of a new season the end of an old time. Love blossomed in the warm summer's heart, as pure and simple as sunshine on cool skin, or a salty sea breeze rustles through clean hair, gentile, lovely, fresh, but never foreign. And as the summer began to fade their friendship did too but it began alongside autumn as love. A lasting blossom of youthful summer's love.

So, yeah. That's a wrap people.

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