An Unexpected Event!

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2024, May


Swinging from a building to another, the girl dodged an incoming metallic tentacle, leaving her opponent frustrated. "Stay still will you!?" the elder of the two yelled. "Uh– I'd rather not!" the young female responded, "Maybe try putting that tentacle down first? Y'know? Get some time and sit down, have a nice chat, get some tea..."

She then jumped on a wall, dodging another attack and readied herself, launching forward and attempting to kick the man only to be pulled backwards by a sudden force. Wiping her head around, she was met with a...


Whatever it was, her spidey-senses were going haywire about it. Dr. Octopus seemed to notice her distress and raised his metallic tentacle, ready to take the advantage and snap the spider's neck. The young female shot a web at a nearby building in hopes that it would be enough to stop the force. Much to her displeasure, the force was too powerful.

She was sucked in, just in time to miss Doctor Octopus' attack. The man cursed in frustration, glancing around the area quickly, trying to find the young heroine.

Meanwhile, the girl was thrown around like a ragdoll while going through multiple different dimensions, glitching while passing each one. ( shut her eyes from a flash of light and before she knew it, she felt herself hit face first onto a cold cemented rooftop. The spider winced in pain as she stood up slowly, taking in her surroundings.

"I'm in...."

She paused for a moment

"...where am I?" She asked herself.

The spider raised her mask, crouching down to inspect the area. "This is New York," she muttered in thought, her eyes quick to notice the differences, "just not the one that I grew up in..."

She was in deep thoughts. "The hell even happened? One minute I'm fighting Doctor Octopus the next I'm– well–"

After a moment of contemplation, the young female eventually heaved a sigh, pulling her mask back down and swung off into the city.


Alright. Let's do this. One last time. Here we go...
My name is ( ( and I was bitten by a radioactive spider. For the past two and a half years, I have been the one and only spider woman. I'm guessing you know the rest. I saved the city. Saved it again.

And again...

And again...

And again...

Multiple times if you can't keep up basically.
I was able to save my elder brother parents died in an explosion... Neither was I able to save Peter...

Things have been tough ever since those two incidents. I started hitting the gym more than usual and distanced myself from everyone just to keep them safe from harm.

Those accidents left a large void in me that felt like it couldn't be filled up, so I grew to be impulsive and I tend to do what is supposed to be done, which, in results, usually ends up in me getting hurt a lot but that doesn't matter. Why exactly? Because of the stupid mask that I never asked for.


"You look beaten..." May said, setting a cup of warm tea on the coffee table before the girl.

"Do you have a place to stay? A person to go to?" Peter asked.

The three were all seated in May's living room discussing the issue.

"Apparently no..." the young female answered as she took hold of the tea served, mindlessly sipping it as she gazed at Peter in slight uneasy-ness, making the man chuckle.

"Still not used to me, huh?" Peter asked, the younger spider nodding in response. There was a short silence between the three that was soon cut off by Peter as he suggested, "You can stay here with May and I in the meantime!"

This made ('s eyebrows to shoot up in surprise. Before she could decline, Aunt May butted in.

"You need somewhere to stay and you have no one to rely on, am I wrong?" May interrupted. The younger simply shook her head in defeat. "Then it's settled." May concluded.

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