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The three spiders stared at (Y/n), unsure with the idea of trusting Miles, but the female stood her ground. They fell in silence as they all glanced at each other.

"Okay, little fella. Kingpin's gonna send a lot of thugs after ya, and I'm talkin' hard boys, real biscuit boxers! Can you fight them all off at once?" Spider Noir asked stepping forward in a fighting stance.

"Uh, well-- I haven't actually fought anyone--"

"Surprise attack!"

Spider Noir sent Miles falling down by sweeping his feet.

"Can you rewire a mainframe while being shot at?" Peni questioned.

"Can I what--?"

"Show me!"

"Surprise attack!"

The boy was once again sent down by Spider Noir.

"Can you swing and flip with grace of a trained dancer?"

"Can you close off your feelings so you don't get crippled by the moral ambiguity of your violent actions?"

"Can you help your aunt create an online dating profile so she can get out of the dang house once in a while?"

"Can you float in the air when you smell a delicious pie?"


"Can you be strong?"


"I don't know... Maybe --?"


"Show me some moxie soldier!"

"Above all," Gwen said, picking Miles back up, "no matter how many times you get hit, can you get back up?" She finished with a kick, making Miles fall with a thud.

Miles tried to rise up as everyone crowded around him, still questioning and chanting for him to get up. "Cause when a Spider-Man is on the floor--" he heard from Gwen as his mind began to race, "--when you think you can't keep going--"

He shut his eyes tightly, the world around him began to shake as their words became into yells in his ears.

"Guys! You're going too far! Don't you see he's in pain?!" (Y/n)'s voice rang loudly in the basement.

They all faced Miles on the floor before walking away on the other side of the room with Gwen dragging both Peter and (Y/n).

"He's not ready. It's obvious." Gwen whispered.

"There's no way he's just a kid."

"If he can't do this, we have to stay and do it for him."

"Wait-- Guys give him a chance. He's still--" (Y/n) was cut off by a sudden noise.

They all turned to see the platform going up. "Miles? Miles!" (Y/n) called out, but never got an answer. "Hey, see? You turned invisible." Peter said, trying to lighten up his mood just for him to get ignored.

(Y/n) clenched her hands in frustration as she angrily turned to the others. "Look at what you did!" She said before following Miles.


(Y/n) has been swinging from a building to another for a while now before she finally spotted Miles, seated on a swing at a playground.

She quietly dropped on the ground and joined him by sitting on a swing next to his.

There was a quiet moment between the two before Miles suddenly spoke, "Well, what do you think?"

"Well, I think they're being unfair to you! You just--"

OBSIDIAN // Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now