A Solemn Promise.

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(Y/n), who was distracted, was taken by surprise when Doc Ock 's grip on her loosened but before she could follow her down falling, Miles was quick to catch her making her to quickly wrap her arms and legs around him. They swung up landed on a platform.

(Y/n) took a step back, staring at Miles in disbelief. Miles simply held out his arms, waiting for her to take her move. The female quickly embraced the boy, smiling happily. "You actually did it!" She said happily making the boy laugh out of joy.

"Miles!" Peter called out happily, swinging and landing next to the couple. "You figured it out! Great job!" He praised him. "Thanks man." Miles smiled.

"Uh, I hate to break it to you guys but we're not done." Gwen said landing beside (Y/n), watching as Doc Ock get back up, recovering quickly.

They got into a fighting stance, ready for whatever Doc Ock may throw at them. Doc charged at them and the five broke into a fight. Peter sent a punch on her face, Gwen kicked her chin, (Y/n) kneed her in the gut and Miles sealed their move by knocking the lights out of her with a punch, sending her across the room.

"Alright!" (Y/n) cheered, giving Miles a fist bump before quickly giving him a peck on the cheek making him to pause.

As the four spiders had their short celebration, suddenly, they saw Doc Ock slowly rise up and adjust her goggles.

"Seriously? What is this guy made of?" (Y/n) said. They all turned and nodded in agreement with each other before getting into position. Doc Ock shot out and raced her way towards them, holding out her flesh ripping metalic claws, ready to--


Before they knew it, she met her untimely demise by colliding with a speeding truck, leaving them dumbfounded.

"Ow..." Miles muttered. "Well uh... That's...done with.."

(Y/n) felt her knees buckle before she dropped, kneeling on the ground out of exhaustion, making Miles to rush over to her. "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. "Yeah... it's time to finish this." She said, taking out the goober. Just as she was about to leave, Miles caught her wrist, "Wait (Y/n)," he started, staring at her deeply, "let me do it."

(Y/n) stared at him in disbelief. "What --? No! I can't Miles. I already made up my mind okay?" She said taking a step back while holding the device behind her back.

"Please." He whispered to her quietly as he held her hand gently. (Y/n) turned away from him slightly flustered before saying, "I'm...sorry..."

Miles gazed at her sadly before flashing a small smile. "I understand...."

He held her in an embrace, they both stood there for a minute before Miles spoke up.

"Hey (Y/n)?"


"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

Miles held her chin and lifted her head up to face him. He gave her a quick peck on the lips before taking a step back and turning around.

"For this."

Miles pulled out and displayed the device to her, making her come back to her senses. She narrowed her gaze on him as he smirked. She eventually sighed and smiled at him proudly, "Alright, you win. Make me proud Miles."

Miles smiled at her back and swung his way up by swinging to a building and finding himself in-between two more, he managed to slip through them, followed by shards of glass behind him. He shot a web at the rotating metal and stuck himself on the surface sticking to the surface, shooting a web to help him swing up the ceiling, barely missing an incoming speeding bus.

"Yeah, we taught him that, right?" Peter told Gwen who simply smiled and shook her head, "I didn't teach him that, and you definitely didn't either." She retorted, swinging up to join Miles.

The other two joined them followed by the others and soon, all the spiders found themselves gathered. (Y/n) held Peni in an embrace to comfort her of her loss of her late father's machine. "I guess this is it." Spider Noir said, disappointedly, making everyone soon realize what was happening.

After spending so much time together... They're once again going to separate, for good....

Miles placed in the device and typed in the codes

'Alert! Quantum polarity has been reversed.'

"You're up Peni." He informed the short girl. Peni squeezed (Y/n) in a tight hug before turning to the rest to thank them.

Slowly by slowly, all the spiders left, some leaving messages and Spider Ham giving Miles a giant wooden hammer for remeberance and soon, Miles was now left alone with his lover.

"This is really it..." (Y/n) whispered. Silence ensued as they both stood there, processing and trying to accept the reality.

"Hey..." (Y/n) said, "Good work out there, you did it."

"Yeah... I wouldn't have done it without you... And--AND!! THe-- others as well.." Miles said, making (Y/n) to laugh.

Miles looked away embarrassed but found himself laughing as well. Their laughs died down and now they stayed there, feeling memorized of the other. "I guess, I best get going... I'll.. really miss you Mi--"

"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!" Kingpin's voice rang across the large room.

The spiders were quick to get into position. (Y/n) quickly put in her mask and made her way down, catching Miles by surprise.

"Hey-- WAIT!"

"You destroy the collider and I'll take care of Kingpi--!" (Y/n) was suddenly cut off when a sudden force swung her a distance away back from her desired destination. She turned back to find a web stuck to her feet, hanging her upside down.

"You can't do this! You have to go back home!"

"But--but what about you?!"

Her words made him to pause. "You-- you just go... I'll be fine!" He told her, but she didn't buy it.

"Miles," she called out, making him look up at her again, "tell me... Are you really okay?"

Miles took a moment before answering, "All I want is for you to be back home. But... Will.... Will we ever meet again...?"

(Y/n) gazed at him in surprise. Her heart sank when she saw the sorrowful look plastered on his visage.

"Miles, listen to me," she started, "I'll go through thick and thin, just to find a way back to you... I promise.."

The two stayed like that for a moment before they smiled sweetly at each other. The web holding (Y/n)'s feet began to loosen up and slightly snap, making her to slightly drop but stop.

"You promise?" Miles asked. Part of the web once again snapped making her drop a certain height once more. (Y/n) smiled softly, "Solemnly..."

The web supporting her finally fully snapped and she found herself falling. She gave Miles a bright smile, "I trust you Miles!"

Those were the last words she said before landing inside the beam, making it to shift into different shades of (Favorite color) before turning back normal.

Miles stood on a platform, feeling more confident than ever, ready to face his opponent.


Anddddd just like that I'm done! All I'm left with is the epilogue, which I'm about to work on right now! Stay alert!!

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