The Cop's Kid.

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Miles entered the school as he tried greeting people as he passed by and in result, everyone ignored him. "Oh my gosh. This is-- This is embarrassing, we wore the same jacket?" he tried once more. But the poor boy simply got a weird look as a response. He sighed in defeat as he walked away. "Hey..." someone tapped his shoulder. Miles turned to face her, a slight feeling of hope growing inside of him." Yeah...?" "Your shoe's untied." The slight hope in him completely crumbled apart. "I'm aware... It's a choice." he said disappointedly. As he started to walk away, he lifted his head up and his eyes landed on a girl. She seemed to have grabbed his attention the most out of all the students he's passed.

Her (Hair colour) (Messy/Tidy) hair was tied into a lazy ponytail. Her bangs brushed against her (S/c) skin as she walked. She had earbuds in as she listened to music. Her eyes were fixed on her book as she walked down the hallway. When she passed Miles, he could hear the faint beats of his all-time favorite song, 'Sunflower'. For some unknown reason, he found himself staring at her as she walked. As if sensing this, the girl turned her head around and made eye contact with Miles. He felt his breath hitch as her (E/c) eyes gazed back at his for a moment before she turned back and made her way towards her class. He doesn't know why, but Miles felt his cheeks burn as he walked away. His heart was pounding in his chest as one question floated around his head, 'Who was that..?'


"All matter is composed of at least three fundamental qualities--"

"Solve for xy"

"Book of Great Expectations"



Miles has been moving around the school with books stacked in his hands and pressure rising higher and higher after each class.

He slowly opened the door to his last class and everyone turned their attention towards him. He tried making his way to an empty seat but was stopped by his teacher when she paused the video and said, "Mr. Morales moving in the dark. Your late, again." "Einstein said time is relative right?" he started, "maybe I'm not late, maybe you guys are early." The class was quiet for a moment, before a blonde girl laughed breaking the silence. Miles smiled at this.

"Sorry. It was just-- so quiet." The blonde said. The teacher sighed and turned at Miles, "Would you like to keep standing there, you want to sit down?" she said as she continued the video.

Miles was quick to move and sit next to the the blonde girl, behind the other girl he saw earlier. The classroom was quiet and everyone watched the video as it played. "I liked your joke." the blonde said quietly. "Really?" Miles asked surprised. "I mean, it wasn't funny. That's why I laughed. But, it was... Smart. So I liked it." "I don't think I've seen you before--" Miles was cut by his teacher shushing him.

"Every choice that we make will create countless other possibilities."

The (H/c) haired girl watched silently and keenly as a realization came to mind. 'So this is how I ended up here...' she thought, 'But I don't think I'm alone in this situation.' She took a glance behind her and looked at the blonde girl. Her spider senses have been going haywire the moment the two first saw each other. 'She has to be spider woman in her dimension since this one already has Peter.' But she couldn't be so sure so she has to find out later on. She let out a soft sigh and shifted her gaze back to the video that was playing infront of her.

She was so keen on listening that she didn't notice the boy behind her was staring at her. He felt butterflies erupt in his stomach now that he got a closer look of her. A smile formed on his lips when he saw her peaceful face. He shook his head when he realized what he was doing, thinking no one saw, he payed attention to the video once more. Little did he know that the blonde next to him has been watching him the whole time. She chuckled quietly at the realization of what was happening to the boy and continued taking note of the important parts of the video.


The bell rang and class was dismissed. Everyone joyfully left to their dorms chatting with their friends and dorm mates. (Y/n) quietly placed her books inside her bag and grabbed her sketchbook to complete what she started in the morning. Leaving the classroom the girl heard someone walk beside her but she chose to ignore them. "Hey there!" she heard. She glanced at the person and saw it was the boy who was seated behind her. "Hi..." she quietly spoke as she sped walked trying to lose him but unfortunately the boy wasn't giving up. "I'm Miles Morales, and you are?" he said and waited for a response. Finally giving up she slowed down her pace, "I'm (Y/n).... (Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you, Morales." He smiled at the positive response. The girl was quiet for a moment. "Hey, have I met you before?" she suddenly asked. Miles was confused. Have they met before? He doesn't remember anything like that. "No... Maybe you remember me because you passed me earlier--" but he was cut off by the girl when she suddenly said. "Your the Cop's kid, right?" Miles froze. He was desperately hoping and praying that everyone would have miraculously forgotten that embarrassing event by the end of the day, but, of course, nothing ever goes as planned. He let out a sigh and nodded his head. His mood immediately dropped and this didn't go unnoticed by the girl. "Sorry for bringing that up." she apologized. "Oh-- No-- I--It's okay-- No need." Miles stuttered. He really wasn't expecting something like this to happen. "Well then, Morales." the girl started, "It was nice speaking to you, but I need to get going to the dorm." "O--oh. Ok. Sure. Yeah." The girl turned to leave but stopped when she heard, "I--I'll see you tomorrow?" She turned to him and thought for a moment. "Sure."

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