Another Loss.

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(Y/n) was worried sick for her friend. She hasn't heard a single word from him ever since that awkward morning. Not to mention the fact that he's also another spider and potential danger is likely to hit him at any given moment. But she didn't have time for that now. She has more emotional issues to handle.

"We interrupt this broadcast to inform you with a major event. Sad news today... The hero, know as Spider-Man, has died, after injuries related to another powerful earthquake in Brooklyn. Many multiple sources are confirming that, Peter Parker, a 26-year-old grad student and part-time photographer operated as Spider-Man for at least a decade."

(Y/n) opened the door to a room as quietly as possible, "May... ?" She called out. The older woman looked up from her desk, staring at (Y/n) with glossy eyes. The sight infront of (Y/n) made her feel terrible.

She slowly walked towards May and brought her into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry..." The girl quietly whispered, listening to the quiet sobs of her current guardian. May was finally put to sleep after a few minutes of consultations from the girl.

'How could I?' she thought as she sat down on the sofa in May's living room. 'How could I let the past repeat itself?'. She felt guilty, guilty of the fact that she couldn't do anything to prevent New York's Hero's death.... Again. The causes may be different, but the results are the same. (Y/n), once again, lost another friend, and she wasn't planning to lose another. Especially one who is currently defenceless to enemies' attacks. Miles.


The moment May left the house the following day, (Y/n) opened her computer and proceeded with the research Peter left behind. She set her phone aside, listening to the speech being presented.

"He is survived by his aunt, May Parker, and his wife, Mary Jane."

"Alchemax" (Y/n) read out.

"My husband Peter Parker..."

"A private technological campus."

"..was an ordinary person..."

"In Hudson Valley."

"He always said it could've been anyone behind the mask."

"Kingpin... ?"

"He was just a kid who happens to be bit..."

(Y/n) then started going through Peter's files until she stopped on a certain document, "Olivia Octavius... "

"He didn't ask for his powers..."

"Sounds familiar..."

"But he chose to be Spider-Man..."

"Octavius... ?"

"My favorite thing about Peter is that... He made us each feel powerful."

"Doc Ock!" She said going deeper and deeper through the file.

"We all have powers of one kind or another..."

"Super Collider..."

"But in your own way, we are all Spider-Man..."

(Y/n) picked up her phone and scrolled through her contacts and stopped at a certain name. She pressed it, and placed her phone on her ear.
"Hello... ?" The caller asked.

"....And we're all counting on you...."

"Gwen, I need your help please..."


Short chapter, I know, it sucks and I'm sorry for that. But I'll promise you one thing. And that's finishing this book and doing, BOOK 2. As always, have a nice day/night/afternoon! Sorry again!!!

OBSIDIAN // Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now