Another chance.

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"Hey..." Gwen said, looking at her companion with pity, "you know you don't have to. I can do it for yo--"

"No--! No.. it's -- it's ok. I chose this, I might as well complete it." (Y/n) said quickly. She took in a deep breath and swung her way inside the building and swiftly entered into the staffroom without being noticed with the others following behind.

Once they all exited the room, they were all dressed in unform as Peni hid under their cart.

As (Y/n) made her way through the hallway, the previous event of the day kept replaying in her mind.


After Miles had placed his roommate on their bed, he turned and only found Peter, Gwen and (Y/n) in the room, the other spiders were no where to be seen.

"Hey.. what's going on...?" He asked.

"Bye Miles..." Gwen smiled sadly before jumping out of the window.

"What -- what does she mean?" Miles asked.

"We're here to say goodbye Miles. Well... At least most of us..." Peter said. Miles stared at him feeling uneasy. Peter sighed and turned to the quiet female beside him. "I'll leave this to you kid." He said before slipping out of the window.

"(Y/n)? What is all this?"

"They're here to say goodbye Miles."

"What? But we can say goodbye at the collider! And what do you mean by 'They'?"

"I'm staying behind Miles." (Y/n) said, now looking at him with one of her famous pokerface.

"WHAT?!!! NO--You--- you c--can't do that! You'll DIE!!" He said, slightly annoyed yet extremely worried.

"I don't have much of a choice here Miles." (Y/n) told him calmly, yet she could feel herself heat up.

"But--but why?! Why can't you just trust me? I can do it! Please! Why won't you--?"

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!! OK?! I LOVE YOU!" (Y/n) snapped, finally having enough, taking Miles by surprise.

"Miles, I'm sorry ok? I really am! I-- it-- it's just -- just that I can't anymore! I can't risk it ok! I already lost my mentor; Peter, I lost my parents as well and all I was left with is my brother! He trained me and taught self-defense without knowing he was training the next spider! Those losses had left a void in me that I thought no one would ever or could ever fill it up. But-- that was until I met you...." She said, looking down as her eyes brimmed with tears. Miles stood in shock for a moment before softening his gaze on her.

"(Y/n)..." He called out before pulling her into a warm embrace.

They both stood there in that position for a few minutes before (Y/n) suddenly looked up to Miles.

"Hey Miles.."



"For what?"

"For this."

Miles was taken by surprise when he suddenly felt himself being pushed back and landed on a chair in the room.

"(Y--" he was suddenly cut off when she began to spin him around, wrapping him up using her webs.

Soon, Miles found himself stuck on the chair, he tried wiggling around trying to get out, but his efforts bore no fruits. (Y/n) walked up to him and took the goober away from him before stopping right infront of him. "(Y/n)," he started, "please don--" he was cut off when he suddenly felt her soft lips on his, giving him a tender long kiss. Miles melted in the kiss, feeling his own tears rolling down his face.

(Y/n) pulled away and webbed his mouth before he had a chance to say anything. She pulled down her mask halfway before turning back to him again, "I'm so sorry..." she said before fully covering her face with her mask. She slipped out of the dorm's window and swung away, followed by the rest of the spiders.


'I can't lose another... Not again....'

The spiders were finally in the room where the super collider was located at.

The all swung down and their plan was on motion, that was until. . .

(Y/n) made her way up, looking for the power source on the wall. Sooner rather than later, she found it and smashed the lid open. Just as she was about to place the device in, she suddenly posed and the image of Miles' sad visage flashed in her mind. His eyes held pain, the pain of betrayal.

'How could I? How could I do that to him? He doesn't deserve it! He doesn't deserve me... He deserves better... Better treatment from people.... Better treatment from friends... Better treatment from his loved one... He deserves a better lover.... He doesn't deserve me... I should probably ju--'

"HEY KID!" she suddenly heard Peter's voice, making her flinch out of surprise.

Peter stared at her with worry. "Are you alright?" He asked. The female simply nodded, giving him her signature poker face. She turned back but before she could even place the device in, her hand was suddenly grabbed by a metalic tentacle. Both Peter and (Y/n) turned to see Doc Ock making her entrance.

"It's good to see you Peter, spider-woman."

(Y/n) tried to quickly place in the goober but was dragged away by Doc Ock and throw away like a ragdoll.

"Hey! That's my student's girlfriend you're hurting! If you wanna get to her, you gotta get through me first!" Peter said and launched forward to attack the woman.

The spiders then found themselves once again battling the evil doers.

(Y/n) once again tried to insert the goober in just to get grabbed by Doc's tentacle and get pinned on the wall.

The moment her back made contact with the metalic wall, she winced in pain as she felt her slowly healing wounds reopen. "You're hurt Spider-Woman," Doc said as she came towards her, "too bad your so called boyfriend is not here. I would love for him to witness your untimely demise...." She said as one of her tentacles rose, ready to tear apart the girl. Before the tentacle could reach her, it suddenly stopped and faced Doc Ock instead. The tentacle suddenly began to punch Doc Ock continuously, making both Peter, who was entangled in Doc's other tentacles, and (Y/n) confused.

'What the....'

The scene infront of them made a light bulb light inside of (Y/n). "No way... Is that....Miles..?"

As if on que, Miles, appeared out of the blues and held out his fist and punched the lights out of Doc Ock.


Guess who's alive again?? :D OMG, 520 reads THANK YOU!!!! I send love and glory to y'all! This means so much to me <333 If you're interested to read another content of mine, feel free to visit my new Miles Morales book, 'STUDY BUDDIES // Miles Morales' Aside from that I wish you all well!!

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