Shoulder Touch.

911 26 2

Last night was fantastic for (Y/n), nothing can change her mind. She basically slept like a baby afterwards, and to add on that, she woke up in a good mood. Something that is unusual for her, especially since she's not a morning person. Today was guaranteed to be a good day. Nothing weird or out of the ordinary can happen. At least, that's what she believed. She was currently walking down the hallway accompanied by the blonde from the other day. It was calm as they talked to each other, that was until (Y/n)- or more like Miles, accidentally bumped into her in the hallway.

"Miles, hey there!" She greeted, a bright smile plastered on her face due to his presence.

"Oh-- (Y/n)-- Hi!--" he said, awkwardly wiping his face. "Why are you so sweaty?" (Y/n) asked. "Oh? It's a puberty thing." Miles confidently said, only to realize his mistake. "Why did I say that-- I don't know why I said that-- I'm not going through puberty!-- I'm -- Done-- I'm --" he cleared his throat, "a man."

(Y/n) was completely at a loss of words. "I uh-- Wow. Ok." she said, so much for nothing out of the ordinary. The atmosphere around them was awkward. Miles inwardly smacked himself across the face. 'Think Miles, think!' he thought. That's when he soon realized that the blonde was also standing there, not far from the scene. "Hey there. You're new to. Right?" He asked the blonde, trying to twist the subject. "Yeah. Yeah I am." She responded. "I'm Miles. I never got your name though." He said. "Oh, I'm Gwe-- aaaa-- nda." She said awkwardly. "Gwanda?" (Y/n) asked confused. "Yeah! It's uh--African! South African! But--"

As the blonde explained to them where she came from, Miles eyes landed on (Y/n)'s shoulder. 'DO IT!' He thought. 'Oh gosh, what if something goes wrong and she ends up getting weirded out and starts to avoid me--'

It was too late for a second thought. He could feel his hand slowly rising. 'Why is this scary-- am I doing this in slow motion!?' he continued to think.

"--I'm kidding, it's Gwanda. There's, no 'G'." The blonde finished. (Y/n) nodded, now understanding her message. Just as she turned to face Miles, she felt a light weight on her shoulder. Both the blonde and (Y/n) turned to (Y/n)'s shoulder, then to Miles. Miles gazed at (Y/n)'s eyes.

"Hey. . ."

(Y/n) shifted her gaze from her shoulder, to Miles, then her shoulder, then Miles. "Miles, are you okay?" She asked in a soft voice, generally concerned for the boy's mental health. 'I KNEW IT!!' Miles basically yelled in his head.

He panicked and tried to pull his hand away, only to yank (Y/n) towards him. "Uh--Miles?" She said, unsure of what he was doing. As he took a step back, his other hand got attached to her books that were in her hands. He struggled to get his hands off of her and her items as a crowd gathered around the three. He began to take multiple steps in circles dragging the female with him. "Woah! Miles! Wait! Calm down!" (Y/n) tried to explain to him. "Im-- trying --!" He said. (Y/n) taking notice of his difficulty in calming himself down, she let go of her books and swiftly removed her sweater that was, now, somehow stuck on Miles' hand as the other held her book.

"Miles, you're okay. Everything is okay." She tried to tell him. The boy waved his arm around frantically trying to get the book off his hand, only to see the book fling towards Gwanda and hit her across her face. "Oh No--! Are you ok?" He asked about to get the book off of her, just for his hand to get stuck on her hair. "Oh no. Oh no no no no no. . ." Miles mumbled to himself.

He now struggled with Gwanda's hair, moving around in circles. "Miles," (Y/n) called out, noticing the crowd grow larger and larger, "calm down. Take deep breaths." "I said I'm trying--"

"Okay, I have an idea. I'm going to pull really, really, really hard." He said.

"That's a terrible idea!" Both females warned him.


"Don't do this." Gwanda hissed.


"Three!" The blonde said, holding his bag straps and tossing him to the ground.


The room was quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the buzzing of the machine in hand. Miles' hand was now free from its awkward position from the blonde's head. "Nice to meet you?" He said. "Yeah. Sure. Total pleasure." She responded, shutting her pocket size mirror.

The door was shut behind Miles. He glanced down at his hands. One having the blonde female's hair, while the other held his friend's sweater, with a torn paper from one of her books on the side of his hand. By his side was the very, and only, friend. "Miles?" She said, "You okay?" She asked. The male silently nodded and started to walk away. (Y/n) walked beside him, trying to talk to him, but all her words were just mumbles in the boy's mind. He took to his heels and began running, catching the female by surprise. "Miles --! Hey! Wait up!"

But the boy was too distracted. As (Y/n) struggled to get past the multiple students, from afar, she could hear a heavy voice say, "I know you snuck out Morales!" Next thing she knew, she heard quick footsteps go the opposite direction. (Y/n) stopped in her tracks and started to look around for the familiar curly haired boy, but he was no where to be seen. She sighed and walked away, giving up on her chase.

A few minutes passed and she soon met up with her other companion. "Hey Gwe-- I mean-- Gwanda." She greeted. The blonde smiled in response. "What the heck is going on with your boyfriend?" The blonde asked. "Okay, first of all. He's just a friend. Second of all, I think I just found out the answer to your question." (Y/n) said, looking behind her companion. The blonde turned and her eyes widened at the scene infront of them. There, outside of the building, was Miles, struggling to balance himself on the wall. The blonde girl turned to (Y/n),

"Miles is another spider?"


1k words! Wow, I'm impressed with myself. Anyway, I'm trying to improve on my speed so that I'll finish up with this book so that I can get to BOOK 2; Across the spider verse. Thank you again for reading, have a nice day! :)

OBSIDIAN // Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now