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The three were led by the two females to a small shed that was in the house's backyard. May pulled out a key from her pocket, handing it to (Y/n) to open the door. She took a few steps back as the doors began to glow and open to reveal an elevator.

They all entered and soon enough they started to slowly head down. "Woah..." Miles breathed out in amazement as his eyes scanned the futuristic room below as its light turned on one after the other.

They soon reached the ground and they all dispersed, taking in their surroundings. (Y/n) and May led themselves to a desk nearby. The (H/c) haired girl opened a wardrobe and started to rummage through it searching for something as May stood next to her.

Meanwhile, the others kept themselves busy by looking around. Peter stopped as his eyes landed on a picture frame. He picked it up and gazed at it, having a mixture of sadness and regret inside of him. It was a small portrait of Mary Jane. As his mind wondered off to her, his thoughts were suddenly cut short, "Hey peter," Miles called out making the man turn to face his direction, "I think this is a cape." Miles stated proudly as he held out the fabric, making Peter chuckle and smile, placing the picture down.

Miles then walked away and towards Spider-Man's classic suit. "Peter knew how dangerous the job was." May said as they now turned their attention towards a wall with various pictures of Kingpin and the others attached to different maps and documents by a string. "But he figured the only one who could stop this guy was Spider-Man." May finished.

"Kingpin knows we're coming," Miles started as he stared at a picture of the man in subject, "we're going to be out numbered."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." May told the boy, watching (Y/n) close the wardrobe, now facing the rest. "You might need these." (Y/n) said holding out three name tags and markers.

Just then, the three confused spiders' spider senses went off and they all turned only to be faced by four pairs of eyes above. "You think you're the only people who thought of coming here?"

"Hey fellas." Greeted a man, tipping his hat.

"Is he in black and white?"

"Where's that wind coming from? We're in a basement."

"Wherever I go, the wind follows. And the wind, it smells like rain."

"Hi guys!" Said a small girl, jumping down followed by a robot.

"This could literally not get any weirder." Peter said, already done with everything that's happened so far.

"Oh but it can get weirder." Said another voice. The figure came out of the shadows showing himself, "I just washed my hand, that's why they're wet no other reason." A pig like figure in a Spider-Man suit said, holding out his hand for a handshake.

Once again, everyone's spider senses went off, "You're like me..." They all muttered to each other.

"My name is Peter Parker."

"My name is Peni Parker!"

"My name is Peter Poker."

"And I was bitten by a radioactive spider/pig."


"--I can frolic, I can dance, I can do this with my pants--"

"Okay! Enough!" Peter told them.

They all finally settled, feeling slightly disappointed. "Don't worry about him, he's just exhausted." (Y/n) reassured them, now making them acknowledge her presence. Peni gasped and immediately launched herself towards her, "(Y/n)!!" She yelled in joy as she hugged her by her waist due to their height difference. "Hey Peni." (Y/n) said petting the younger girl's hair.
The rest either nodded or waved in acknowledgement.

"So, how did you guys get here?" Peter asked.

"Well it's kind of a long story." Spider Noir responded.

They all had a flashback of when they landed here. "Okay, maybe not that long."

"Now we're just trying to find a way back home." Peni said, looking down as she held onto (Y/n) tighter seeking for comfort.

"The only way back home is through that collider gizmo. The only trouble is--"

"--someone has to stay behind and destroy it." Spider Ham completed his statement.

"I'll do it." Everyone except for May,Peter and Miles said, raising their hands.

"No no no no no no. You guys don't get it." Miles said stepping forward.

"Don't get what?"

Just then, all the six spiders started glitching roughly. (Y/n) fell on the ground, clenching her stomach in pain, making Miles rush over to her. "Are you okay?" He asked about to pick her up, only for her to slowly rise on her feet. "Of course I am. I always get back up after all." She reassured him.

Miles furrowed his eyebrows, "You don't see it do you?" Miles whispered to her, making her to face him in confusion.

As she stood there waiting for an explanation of what he meant, the boy simply looked at her sadly before turning around to the rest. "W-wait-- Miles--!"

"None of you can stay here. If you stay here, you'll die."

"Miles--" (Y/n) said only to get cut off by the boy. "I'm the guy who's gonna turn it off." He said, avoiding eye contact with her as much as possible making her perplexed.

"And I'm gonna get you home before I do. Look...I made a promise, so I have to keep it." Miles finished. (Y/n), too tired and confused, gave up on trying to question him.

There was a moment of silence as everyone stared at the boy. . . "Who are you again?"

"This is Miles and he's gonna save the multiverse." Peter introduced him to them.

"Yeah man." Miles smiled.

"This kid can turn himself invisible! Watch this, he can do it. Now!"

Miles shut his eyes and grunted before looking at his hands, "I can't do it on command."

"He can't do it on command, but it's cool!"

"Show 'em the zappy thing, Miles."

He once again tried and the results were still the same. "Can't do it on command."

"He can't do it on command, but he can do so much more! Like-- What else can you do?"

"Just those two things."

"Just those two things!"

The rest looked at him unimpressed while others disappointed. "Aw man..." Spider Ham sighed.

"Hey, don't worry guys. I've been he's friend for a while. He's a really smart guy, I'm pretty sure he has something else up his sleeves." (Y/n) said to them.

Miles, who was behind her, smiled thankfully but his smile immediately dropped as another thought came to him. 'She really doesn't see huh? Friends.'


My book is climbing up slowly, but I'm still proud. Once again thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!! :)

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