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Okay, let's do this one last time! For real this time! This is it. My name is Miles Morales. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for like two days, I have been the one and only; Spider-Man.

I think you know the rest!

I finished my essay.

He handed in his paper with his name written in graffiti.

Saved a bunch of people.

He was recorded by onlookers as he swung away.

Got hit by a drone.


I did this with my dad.

Here we see Miles on his father's shoulders, spray painting a wall and once he was done, they both stood aside to look at their collaboration. They smiled proudly at their work; a portrait of uncle Aaron.

Met my roommate, finally.

Miles hang himself upsidedown, offering a fist bump to him to which he accepted.

Slapped a sticker where my dad's never gonna find it.

He place his sticker on the beast like statue before settling down on it.

And when I feel alone

Peni had finished her project and was taken by a pleasant surprise when her father's machine suddenly turned on.

Like no one understands what I'm going through

Spider Noir finally solves the Rubik's cube.

Spider Ham is happily eating his hot dog as he made his way through the city.

Gwen was seated on a building, going through the pictures she took with the others.

I remember my friends and girlfriend who get it

Peter rings the doorbell and soon, he is met by MJ as she opens the door. She was surprised to see him there, especially with a bouquet of flowers in hand.

(Y/n) dodges the multiple attacks her brother kept sending at her and finally pins him down to the ground. "Ow-- hey--sorry sorry! Fine you win!" He said, making her to smile and laugh at her victory.

I never thought I'd be able to do any of this stuff. But.... I can...

Miles found himself at a familiar site where he had his first collaboration with a certain former Visions Academy student. The paint somehow still looked fresh as ever. In the midst, written in calligraphy, done by the teenager he collabeorated with, was their nicknames they gave each other.

Anyone can wear the mask. You could wear the mask, if you didn't know that before, I hope you do now.

Cause I'm Spider-Man, and I'm not the only one. Not by a long shot.

But it doesn't end here.

"Miles...! Miles!"

Not quite....

Not quite

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OBSIDIAN // Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now