Night Time Vibn'

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It's been a few days since the two teens have met and they've both gotten close to say the least. None of them had time to hangout all day though. Due to (Y/n) always being busy during the day the only time they'd hangout is in the afternoon. But that didn't bother them. As long as they got some time pass together, they were grateful. Today though, Miles was made to stay behind by his teacher as the others left. Even after the small meeting he had with his teacher, he revealed to his new companion that he was given an assignment that was due the following day. "Expectations." Right. . . That's what he called it.

Now, (Y/n), was currently alone, seated at a basketball court, nearby her temporary school. She scrolled through her phone, looking for anything interesting that may catch her attention. That was until she heard footsteps. She was quick to slide her phone in her bag and got into position for whatever may come her way. As the footsteps got louder and louder, she sent a quick kick only to stop a few centimeters away from her opponent's face once she realized who it was.

The dark skinned boy, startled by her action, lost his balance and fell backwards. They both became quiet as they stared at each other in disbelief. "Miles? What the heck are you doing out at a time like this?" (Y/n) questioned him, but the male was too shocked and confused. He could have sworn he felt a slight breeze from the girl's quick movement.

"I-- uh-- came out out h-here to study-?. . ."

"Study? Really? So I assume that you large bag is meant to have books I could use as well?"

"Oh--about that--"

The boy became quiet once more before he sighed in defeat. "I. . . Went to do a little street art. . ." He said quietly. The girl raised a brow before asking, "That's all?"

"Yeah?" Miles responded, unsure of her intensions. "So. . You do graffiti?" (Y/n) asked, sitting down on the ground next to Miles. "Yes, actually. How'd you know?" He asked.

"You're not spying on me are you?"

"Trust me I wouldn't do that."

"You sure?"

"Yes Miles."

"I mean-- I understand if you do--"


"--I am unresistable." He said, earnings a jab on the side from the female, making him wince ever so slightly, making sure to keep his posture so that she wouldn't know he's in pain. 'She's stronger than she looks.' he thought.

He soon recovered quicker than usual. 'Weird.' he thought, but chose to ignored it as he laughed with his friend. Their laugh died down but their smiles never faded. "No but seriously, how did you know?" Miles asked curiously. (Y/n)'s smile grew as she removed her phone from her bag. Miles quirked his eyebrow, showing a clear sign of confusion. (Y/n) flipped her phone to reveal the phone case. Miles' eyes widened in realization. On her phone case, was one of his many stickers, one of which he has always wondered where she kept it. There, written in graffiti, was her name. A token he had given to her as a sign of their begging of their friendship the second day they hangout.

"You kept that all this time?" He asked, already feeling his heartbeat quicken. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" (Y/n) asked, not noticing Miles' cheeks heat up at her comment.

(Y/n) got up from the ground, helping Miles up as well, but the two, unconsciously, didn't separate their hands. "Mind if I join round two?" (Y/n) asked, smiling at him. "Really?" Miles asked in disbelief, "Of course not. Come on, let's go then!" He said excitedly, intertwining his hand with her's as he led the way to find a perfect spot to make their artwork.

In the end, their collaboration was a success and (Y/n) made sure to take a picture of it. They both made their way back to school and soon they separated.

(Y/n) smiled all the way back to her dorm room. This Miles guy, he was somehow different, in a good way. But something is definitely different than his usual self. Just something, but (Y/n) couldn't place a finger on it. 'Maybe I'm just too paranoid.' she thought.

Meanwhile, Miles lay in bed, with a thought in his mind. 'The shoulder touch.' He wasn't sure of this. 'WHAT IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG???' he continued thinking of the worst possibilities. 'You know what?' he thought, 'I'll do it! Besides, what's the worst that could happen?'


768 words, let's go!!! Almost at 1k words! Thank you so much for the 46 views and 4 votes. You have no idea how much this means a lot to me. I honestly thought no one would ever read this. Guess I was wrong. And I'm glad I was :) Hope you're enjoying and I deeply apologize for not posting for a month. Just a little warning, there will be slow updates but I won't stop until it's done. So ya. I just wanted to wish you a good day! Thanks again for reading!!! :D

OBSIDIAN // Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now