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"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hi I think my mom is having an overdose please send help"

"Okay honey, what's address"

"42 Woodlane ave it's the small blue house, please Hurry"

"Okay sweetie help is on the way"

Tatyana POV

"SHE DOES THIS SHIT EVERYTIME" I said as I paced back and fourth in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor to come and tell me my mom is dead. This is our 3rd time in the hospital in 2 months. my mother has been on drugs since I was 7 when she met her boyfriend Damon more like demon but he left us bout a year ago he just come and fuck on her when he feel like it.  While in my thoughts I saw the doctor that took my mom and a lady that look like she worked for social services, yup she dead.

"Hi are you Tatyana? I'm Evette Brown I work with social services " She walked up and slightly smiled."yes that's me, she dead isn't she?" "Let's take a walk honey" I knew it was coming."so your mother had an overdose and the doctors did all they can but-" " but she's dead yeah I knew it was coming" she rubbed my back as we sat down."yeah I'm sorry honey, but I have to take you now. Is there anything you need from your house?" I nodded my head and followed her. Here we go.

Toni POV

"Do you know what today is ?" "It's our anniversary " i sung to the music as I turn the bacon. I was downstairs cooking for my wife of five years. "All I really want to say my darling
Today is a special day we call our own " i love that woman with my whole entire heart that's really my baby. "God damn it." The bacon started popping on me."Oull you said god damn it" I turn to look at my queen walking into the kitchen with her little nightgown looking so beautiful."quoting the first movie we watched together mmh?" She nodded and walked up to me, wrapping her arms around my neck pecking my lips two times before I started to deepen it "mmh happy anniversary daddy" "happy anniversary mami "

I stepped away while she sat on the bar stool. "You ready to eat ma?" I took the bacon out, turning the stove off."yes I worked up an appetite after last night and this morning." After the shopping spring I took her on last night she gave me all the pussy and neck a nigga wanted. I fixed our plates and our drinks sitting it on the bar."so what you wanna do today?" I asked taking a bite into my bacon."honestly baby I just wanna lay up and be under you with no distractions" "whatever you want baby" one of janet love languages is quality time so if she just wanna stay in the house and watch movies all day then that's what will do. "Damn baby this is good" she said with her mouth full of waffles "thanks mamas"

After 5 minutes Me and Janet finish eating our food. I started to clean while she went well i don't know where she went. Butterflies is what I feel inside
And every time it's like my first time ooh wee
And I can never find the words to say
You're the perfect girl
You're made for me. Ohhh that's where she went. This is the song I had Charlie Wilson sing when I proposed to Janet. I turned away from the the sink to see Janet standing there looking like she wanted to cry, My baby man. The reason I love ,The reason I trust,God sent me an angel I sung as I walked up to her. Janet wrapped her arm as I pulled her in by her waist. As we rocked back and fourth to the music I thought back to that night.


"You nervous?" Man man said "nah nigga I'm nervous as fuck" Toni was shaking waiting for her soon to be fiancée to walk in. "Where the fuck is they at?" Toni shouted everyone can tell she was nervous because how mad she was getting."baby calm down, Angela said their on the way she coming" Toni blew a breath and sat down.

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