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Janet POV

Waking up out my sleep I seen Toni wasn't on her side of the bed. Looking over on the nightstand I tapped my phone and seen it was 6:40 in the morning. Shit I woke up late. Jumping up out the bed I ran in the bathroom to freshen up.

"Taty" I called out.

"I'm downstairs mommy." I walked downstairs seeing her at the island eating breakfast.

"I'm sorry I woke up late. Baby why didn't you wake me I would've made breakfast. " I kissed Toni lips.

"It's okay babe I got it. You want two pancakes?"  I nodded watching her make my plate. I love seeing Toni do things the dominant role wouldn't do. It's so sexy.

"You ready for school Pooh?"  I asked.

"Yeah and no. We start state testing tomorrow but I know im gonna ace it."

"That's right because you're student athlete which means grades come first."

"Four more games left but if we win finals we can go to championship."

"You mean when yall win." Toni said sitting my plate in-front of me.

"Yeah when we win." I laughed at them. "Okay I'm done." Taty ran upstairs to get her things.

"I'm going take tat to school. Then ima head to the warehouse." I pouted. I forgot today Toni was going back to make deals.

"Baby don't start that. You know I gotta make sure the money straight. Especially for you and taty."

"How long you gonna be out. You know I'm gonna start missing you." She started rubbing on me. See she does this on purpose.

"Baby I'm only gonna be gone for a little bit. But you know All you gotta do is call and I'm on my way" I turned my head attaching my lips on to hers kissing her deeply.

"Eww." We pulled apart seeing taty.

"Hush girl. Come on let's go. " Toni kissed me one last time before leaving.

"Have a good day. Love y'all."

"Love you too." They said and left out.

After finishing my food I cleaned the kitchen which wasn't much because Toni always clean as she go when she cooks. Walking upstairs in the bedroom I slipped on leggings and a tank top. I decided I was gonna give the house a deep cleaning. I tied my hair into a ponytail, sometimes I hate having long hair.

I started in me and Toni bedroom which really wasn't much. I folded me and Toni clothes that I washed last night and put them up, made up the bed , cleaned the bathroom, vacuum the rug and polished the furniture, Whew that was a lot I sprayed some air freshener then closed the bedroom door.

Moving on down the hall I checked the two guest rooms they were already clean but I still changed the sheets and cleaned the bathrooms. Peaking in taty room I seen her room was spotless as hell and it smell good she had her air freshener plug ins.

I walked downstairs and did the kitchen, laundry room, restock the pantry , the living room, downstairs bathroom, the game room, the guest room and my office. Everytime I clean the house I want to hire a house keeper but then again I really don't cause I like the way I clean. I walked into Toni office and the smell of weed and incense hit me. I love how obsessed my wife is with me she has pictures of me and her all over. I sat in her chair feeling like a boss. Yup I feel like big daddy.

I was straighten up her desk when I came across and picture of me from I first started going with her. I could remember this day like it was yesterday.

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