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"Janet" Toni walked upstairs to her and wife room, where Janet was lying across the bed watching her all time favorite show. 90 day fiancee.


"I'm finna go baby. " she laid on Janet hugging her. "Mhm you smell good"

"Thank you baby. How long you gonna be?" Toni has been busy cleaning up with her guys messed up while she was away for that short amount of time.

"Maybe like an hour it shouldn't take too long I gotta meet with them Irish niggas I was telling you about. Hopefully they do our trade." Janet rubbed her fingers through Toni locs.

"The way you scare people I'm pretty sure they'll do it." They laughed. "Ima see if taty wanna go to target. You want anything?"

"Yeah those healthy chips you be getting. I forgot the name."

"Oh the kettle baked jalapeño chips." Toni nodded.

"Alright babe let me get going. Give me kisses." Toni pecked Janet lips a couple of times before moving down to her stomach kissing it."I love you."

"I love too babe. Be safe."

"Always." Toni left out. Janet laid back on her side watching the tv.

"Mom" taty came walking in their room.


"Can I go with Amanda today? She wants to take me to lunch." For the past week taty has been hanging out with Amanda. Toni wasn't too cool with it at first but her and janet talked with Amanda and she was pretty cool for the most part.

"Aww I was gonna see if you wanted to go with me to target but it's okay you can go with Amanda."

"Mom if you want me to go with you, I'll go."

"No pooh it's fine I'll call auntie ki."

"Okay imma gonna get ready." Taty left out and walked into her room. Walking into her closet she pulled out a sweater and some jeans. Since she already took a shower earlier she slipped on her clothes. Pulling her braids into a ponytail, she was happy she got Knotless instead of box braids cause her hair is not to tight around the edges. After getting herself situated she slipped on her boots and sprayed some perfume and walked downstairs.

"Taty make sure you wear your big coat it's cold outside." Janet said walking down the stairs. "The blue one that you got for Christmas."

"Okay." Taty ran upstairs to switch coats. Thank god for Janet whenever taty forgot something Janet was right there to remind her. Walking down the steps her phone dinged. It was Amanda saying she was outside. "Okay mom, Amanda here." Janet walked out the living room walking taty outside. "Love you."

"Love you too princess call me when on your way back." Taty nodded and walked to the car. Janet waved at Amanda who slightly waved back.

"Hi tootie." Amanda hugged taty.

"Hey Mandy."

"Okay we're gonna go to this spot my boyfriend took me to. I'll think you'll like it."

"Oul boyfriend. Mhm when can I meet him?" Taty said laughing.

"Well he works most of the time so whenever he's off you can meet him." Taty nodded."so are you ready for the big game." Taty basketball team won the last three games and now they're in the finals.

"Yeah and no. My friend Sevyn told me that the other team is really good and that our girls basketball team has never won a championship."

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