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Janet POV

"Right there baby. Fuck" me and Toni had been at it for bout an hour. Taty was over mama e house since it was the weekend and won't be back till later and we were taking full advantage of it.

"Ouu daddy you feel so good." I looked down at her. Her eyes were shut and her bottom lip was tucked in. "Mami pussy feel good daddy? "

"Yess mamas. Shit!" I sat up completely and started to bounce hard. "Why you riding me like this baby. Fuck"

"Mami want that nut daddy. Give me that nut baby. Fill me up" She leaned up and bend her knees thrusting inside me fast and hard."FUCK FUCK FUCK"

"Yeah I'm beating that pussy up huh?"

"Yess daddy you beating your pussy"

"It's mine?"

"Yes daddy it's all yours." I love when she talk dirty to me it makes me so wet.

"This your dick baby. This all your shit."

"Fuck! I know daddy."

"This shit so fucking wet fuck!" She slowed down pulling on my ponytail making my head yank back.

"Ohh daddy shit!"

"Mhm hmm daddy all in that shit." Luckily taty wasn't home cause I was moaning so loud.

"I'm cumming fuck. Ouuu I'm cumming all in that pussy" She started to shake while spilling her seed inside of me. I definitely bitched her. "Fuck girl" I moved off of her while she struggle to catch her breath.

"I was good wasn't I "

"Hell yeah but you not riding no time soon." She stretched her body out.

"Why not"

"Cause you be bitching me." She sucked her teeth.

"Well daddy that's the point. I can't help that this pussy have you seeing stars." We laughed as she pulled me back on top of her pulling me into a heated kiss. "Mhmmmmm." I started to rock on her feeling her poke at me. Without breaking the kiss I sat down on it slowly.

"Fuck!"  Toni yelled. Yup this that pussy power.


I was awoken by the sound of a phone going off. I shook Toni who was laying on top of me. "Babe answer your phone. " she groaned and moved off of me. "That's not mines babe. That's yours "  I lift up seeing it's was ki. My best friend.


"Hello my ass girl. Is we having a fight or something?" She screamed through the phone. I havent seen or talked to her in while. It's just been too much going on.

"No boo. I'm sorry it's just been a lot going on. You know I still love you."

"Mhm mmm anyway I'm coming over. We need to talk about why you been MIA."

"Okay. I got some wine too. So come on over I'll cook something."

"You had me at wine. I'll be there in an hour." I hung up and sat my phone down. When I tried to get up I was pushed back down.

"Babe stop I gotta get up. Ki on her way here." She pulled me closer snuggling more into me.

"Five more minutes."

"Five minutes that's it."

Finally after breaking out of Toni grasp. I was downstairs straightening up the living room  and the kitchen. I was excited to see my Kiki. This has been the longest I had gone without talking to her but I just needed time to figure out this whole situation.

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