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Toni POV

"Yo what the fuck are the doctors doing." I yelled. While me and Janet were out in the backyard covering the furniture she passed out, luckily I caught her or she would've hit her head.

"Toni." Janet groaned." Mhm they said they have to run some test. Come sit down." I went over to her sitting on the bed.

"Baby we been for 45 minutes." I brushed her hair out her face.

"Ok but I'm ....."

"Mom!" Taty ran in. "Are you okay? What happened? Where's the doctor." I can tell she's been crying.

"She passed out and we're waiting on the doctor now."

"Well how do you feel? " taty felt over Janet head."cause I watch a lot of greys anatomy and I.."

"Princess I'm fine." Janet grabbed hold of her hand."hi tay tay." Tamar waved.

"Thank you for picking her up." I said.

"You're welcome. So what happened....."

"Okay Mrs Braxton we have your test results. Your blood pressure was very high causing you feel dizzy and faint." Janet scrunched up her face."also congratulations your three weeks pregnant."

"Wh-what" Janet voice cracked.

"Yeah it's totally normal to have high blood pressure in the beginning of your first trimester."


"What can we do to prevent that?" Taty spoke up.

"Well we start with her diet. Just watch what she eats make sure she keeps her salt intake low." She pulled out a piece of paper writing down everything the doctor said.

"Okay great, me and my mama can definitely make sure she does everything she's supposed to do." Taty spoke. Me and Janet looked at each other in shock.

"Well parents, You are blessed with this one right here." The doctor said."Do you guys want an ultrasound?"

"Yes please." Janet said quietly. I can tell she was nervous.

"I'll be right back." The doctor walked out.

"I'm getting a sibling " taty cheered. I smiled. I looked over at Janet who was looking down at her fingers.

"Babe." I whispered."you okay?" She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"No, Im scared."I grabbed a hold of her hand.

"Listen baby, it's okay to be scared but you got this. I know you do. " I kissed her forehead."and I'm gonna be there every step of the way. You got this, we got this." She nodded and smiled. Apart of me was happy but the other part was nervous. I don't think we can take another miscarriage. Taty came over to my side and hugged me.

"I'm gonna be a big sister." She smiled and swayed side to side. The doctor came in with an ultrasound machine.

"Mrs Braxton can you lift your shirt up for me." Janet lifted her shirt so the doctor can put on the gel.

"Mommy can I record?" Taty asked.

"Sure sweetie."

"I see someone is happy to be a sister." Taty nodded and smiled. The doctor moved the wand around her stomach."and here's your baby." I smiled.

"That little tiny thing is the baby?" Taty asked.

"Yeah." The doctor laughed."you guys wanna hear the heartbeat." Janet shook her head yes. The doctor turned up the volume. I smiled as we heard the heartbeat come through.

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