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My birthday on sundayyyyyy big Aries ♈️


"Toni let me go" Janet said through a laugh. Toni was tickling her. "Baby stop I gotta pee" Toni let her go. Janet took off to the bathroom. The couple has been up since five this morning. Just spending quality time talking and cuddling. It was their Sunday morning routine.

"Babe what you wanna do today?" Janet came out the bathroom flopping onto the bed.

"Mhm i dont know. Is taty up?" Toni got up from the bed opening the door a little. Looking down the hall she seen taty door was open.

"Tatyana." Toni yelled.

"Yes." Taty yelled from downstairs

"You good?"

"Yeah I'm eating cereal."

"Oh alright." Toni closed the bedroom door." So what you wanna do today?"

"I don't know it's pretty nice outside you wanna go to the park?"

"The park? What the hell we gonna do at the park?" Toni was not one to be outside but she do whatever Janet wants.

"Hello enjoy nature. Duh"

"Let's go to the zoo then. We haven't been in a long time and taty might like it." Janet smiled. She love how Toni make an effort into doing things instead of giving up.

"Okay let's ask taty first." Toni hopped up and went to the hall calling taty.


"Come here right quick " taty came upstairs standing right at the foot of the bed.

"Well Goodmorning babydoll." Janet said.

"Good morning." Taty smiled.

"So do you wanna go to the zoo today. We figured since it's nice outside we can do something."

"Ohhh. What time we going I wanna see some monkeys ." Toni laughed.

"Well it's 8 now so I say we can go at 11:30. Sounds good?" Janet nodded.

"Okay I'll finish eating and get ready." Taty skipped out the room.

"Babe you hungry?" Janet asked getting down from the bed.


"What you want? Pancakes or waffles."

"Nah i don't want that."

"Well what you want." Janet reached for the door only to be pulled back by Toni.

"You. Let me eat that pussy." Toni started kissing on janet sweet spots.

"Mhm baby wait." Toni picked janet up carrying her to the bed."you always know how to get me."

"Of course I do." Toni deeply kissed Janet while easing her hand under janet nightgown. Her two fingers slipped into janet core causing janet to moan out loud.

"Ohh fuck"

Janet and Toni were now getting ready after their quick love session. "Baby can you put this on please." Janet had on a black lounge two pieces set paired with her black Uggs.

"I brought you this watch years ago and you still don't know how to put it on?"

"Shut up. You know I don't wanna break a nail. " Toni chuckled. Toni had on her black polo sweatsuit with black timbs along with a black polo beanie. "Thank you"

"You're welcome" Toni smacked janet ass.

"Why must you smack my behind every five minutes."

"I can't help it. It just stare at me. It's so fat and juicy." Toni grabbed a chunk of it. "See. I can't help it." Janet laughed and push Toni back.

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