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"Taty baby get up." Janet rubbed taty back. It was taty first day of school. Toni and Janet got up extra early to fix breakfast and iron taty clothes. "Come on baby get up." Taty groaned and rolled over. Stretching her body she opened eyes.

"Good morning babygirl"

"Good-morning "  taty set up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Where's your clothes? so I can iron it. "  taty pointed to her clothes folded on the dresser.

"Okay go take your shower and stuff so we can have you outta here by 7:15" taty nodded and walked in the bathroom.

Exiting taty room Janet heard Toni downstairs and it sounds like she was struggling. "Shit"

"Babe you sure you don't want me to do it ?" Janet yelled from the steps.

"I got it babe. That damn bacon popped me." Janet laughed. Walking into their bedroom she pulled out her ironing board and iron.

After ironing taty clothes she walked back inside taty room. "Here you go"

"Thank you" taty was in the mirror doing her hair.

Walking back out her room and downstairs Janet seen Toni fixing taty lunch it made her smile. Even though Toni was this hard gangster in the streets she's a gentle giant when it comes to her family especially her wife and now daughter.

Going into the pantry Toni grabbed all the snacks and brought them to the counter. "Toni she don't need all that damn junk."

"Janet she's a kid she's fine." Janet went inside the refrigerator pulling out grapes and pineapples.

"Here put some in those ziplock bags." Janet went to fix taty plate. "Taty your food ready" Janet shouted.

"Okay here I come."

"Babe did you put the supplies in her book bag?" Janet asked Toni.

"Yeah I put everything in there. Do she need an-"

"Good morning beautiful people "mama e walked in the front door.

"Mom what are you doing here"

"You thought I wasn't gonna see my baby off to school. Aww look at my babydoll." Taty came walking downstairs.

"Are you ready ?"

"Yeah I guess"

Taty sat at the island eating her food." what time they get out?" mama e asked.



pulling up to the middle school Taty saw all the kids and became nervous."okay this where we drop you off. you ready or you want us to walk you in?' Toni asked.

"I think we should walk her in babe"

"I think so too" mama e added. she wanted to ride along.

"I'm okay. what y'all think people gonna say when they see the new girl getting walked in by her umm uh parents." Janet smiled at her comment.

"okay well have a great day babydoll. I'll be out here when you get out."

"Here taty. Have a good day" Toni handed her five tens

"okay. Thank you."

"see you baby don't have ma-ma come up here to whoop anybody asses." Taty laughed jumping out the car.

Taty POV

This school was big as hell and predominantly black which was surprising. I walked straight into the office where I was greeted by two black older ladies I'm guessing they were the secretary's.

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