Part 19

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Janet POV

"Toni stop,leave me alone." I pushed Toni head from my neck I was trying to relax and watch the new episode of my show but Toni came upstairs messing with me."baby."

"Mamas come on, just the tip." She started to lick my neck making me fold and she knows it. Lifting up from neck she stared down at me with her low red eyes. Lord she knows what that does to me. "Just the tip" She began rubbing on me through my panties. I was beyond wet.

"Go lock the door." She smiled and hopped up.

"Mom." Taty burst through the door. I fixed my nightgown.

"Yes" she looked between me and Toni who was looking up at the ceiling rocking back and forth.

"Never mind I'll come back" I laughed as she closed the door. Toni locked it and came over to me.

"Just the tip Toni." She nodded but I know she wasn't gonna listen. Pulling my panties down she threw them somewhere. She pulled her pants down and her dick sprung out looking all juicy and thick. She rubbed her tip against my clit making me moan out. "Mhm"

"Open that shit up." She lift my legs up and back. I grabbed on her arms as she started to slide in.

"Fuck baby! You said the tip." I moaned out she was so deep. She bit her lip looking at me.

"I'm not even all the way in mamas." She slowly stroked, Even tho I said only the tip I wanted more. I pushed her in a little bit. "Oh so you want more." She smirked. She slide in more making me whimper.

"Daddy you're so big."

"I know baby, open up."I spread my legs a little further allowing her in. I felt her curve as she pushed in causing me to moan loudly.

"Shit. Fuck me baby. fuck me." She started going faster throwing her head back." Fuck Fuck Fuck"

"Yeah you feel that "

"I feel it daddy, I feel it." She laid on top of me and licked my neck. I put my hand on her butt pushing her in me. "Daddy I'm bout to cum. " she lift up and stared down at me.

"Wait for me mamas. Wait for daddy" she whispered. Her nails dug into my thighs as gripped tighten. "Pussy so good. Fuck imma cum." We both watched as she stroked in and out of me.


"Cum for me mamas cum on daddy dick." She grinned against me as she fucked me causing her to rub against my clit.

"Oh My God!" I came all over Toni and she came deep inside me.

"Fuck!" Her head was thrown back. She leaned down and kissed me while slowly pulling out.


"Okay now you can watch your show." I looked at the tv and seen it had went off. She laughed and rolled over I knew she was bout to fall asleep. I got up to use the bathroom. "Uh un where you going."

"I gotta use the bathroom babe." She groaned and snuggled under my pillow. Going in to the bathroom I freshened up a bit. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and walked into my closet slipping on some leggings and a white tee. This is the only thing I been wearing lately. Leggings and a T-Shirt. Walking back into the room Toni was knocked out sleep with her mouth open.I leaned on the bed and kissed her forehead.

"Taty." I knocked on her door.

"Come in." She was lying on the floor eating candy. Per usual. "Ouu mommy can we please got get some chicken? I'm hungry." She jumped up.

"I was just bout to ask if you wanted to ride with me to get some food. "

"Yes please." She smiled "all I gotta do is slip on some shoes."

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