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Jamet POV

"Toni What the fuck?" I pushed her head causing her to jump up and look at me. "Baby I swear to god I don't know what they're talking about" Toni said.
"you don't know what they're talking about, but they sure the fuck do. they happened to know exactly who to call.." she sat up looking like a big ass dummy staring at the wall. "Hello Toni I'm fucking talking to you"i said getting up in her face."Janet I don't fucking know what's going on. From my knowledge I've never had a kid and I'm not bout to entertain this shit anyway bra." She said getting up to walk away.

"The hell you are, because if you don't it gonna make it worse so you need to go down there and clear this shit up cause I'll be damn if I have someone knocking on my damn door.  So if you say it's not yours then go clear your damn name. Do I make my self clear?" She looked down at me with a red face "Janet" when she says my first name I know she pissed but I don't give a fuck right now about her attitude.

"Say something I dare you "I stood there and crossed my arms waiting for a callback so I can knock her in her shit I may be smaller than her but I don't play with her like that she know my body. "Igh" she turned around walking back into the room I guess to put on some clothes."what time does this place close?" She asked stepping into to the closet. "I don't know I ain't no damn secretary "  "Janet I'm not in the fucking mood for your unnecessary attitude" she said walking back out the closet with a black nike tech on.

"UNNECESSARY ATTITUDE? Are you fucking serious? I deserve to have an attitude because it's our Anniversary and you pop out with a damn child. So miss with the bullshit okay" I snapped back.

"I'm sorry baby i didn't mean it like that I just don't know what the hell is going on cause if I had a child you would definitely know about it. Now I'm gonna go down there and clear my name so we can go back to being normal." She kissed the top of my forehead. "Wait for me I'm coming." I walked in the closet to find some comfortable to wear. I slipped on a pair of jeans an gucci sweater and my red Ugg slides. "I'm ready" she nodded and lead me downstairs.

Walking out the door I waited for to Toni to lock up so she can open my door. "You got your id right?" I asked as she opened up my door."yeah I just brought the whole wallet." "Can you put the address in your gps please?" Opening my maps app I entered the address and this shit was 2hrs away damn this bout to be an awkward car ride.

2hrs later

We're finally here after a long ride of silence. Stepping in the facility we was greeted by an middle age white woman."hello, can I help you?" "Yeah why the fuc"
"Umm excuse me I'm sorry but earlier we got a call from an Evette brown about a Tatyana?" I cut off Toni taking over."oh yess Ms Evette, she one of our social workers. I'm gonna call her down, you guys can have a seat." As me and Toni sat down I looked over at the walls I see poster of missing kids next to the "adopt me" poster. This is truly sad. "Hello are you toni Braxton?" A black woman who I'm guessing is Ms brown walked up to us. "Yea I'm Toni and this is my wife Janet" Toni said standing up."hello I'm Ms brown the one that called bout your daughter Tatyana" "first off I don't have no daughter" Toni said with some based in her voice I can tell she was getting aggravated. "Okay well let's go into my office so we can talk"

She lead us to her office which was down the hall. "You guys can have a seat." "Okay so going through Tatyana files we seen that she had no living relatives but you" Ms Evette stated. "Yeah that's where your wrong I don't have any kids." Toni said. "Okay well do you know a woman by the name of Lisa brown?" Toni sat there silently. I noticed her body language changed she definitely knew who this woman was. "Babe do you know her?" I asked. "Yes. Uh she used to work for me but I haven't seen or heard from her in at least 15 years." I knew exactly what she meant by "work for her". "Well she has you under all the emergency contact list for Tatyana that's why we called you."

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