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"Baby stop for Tatyana come down here." Janet giggled. Toni was sucking on Janet neck in the kitchen. Taty was upstairs getting ready to go with Janet to Traci Salon. They were getting silk press. "Toni stop for you give me a hickey" Janet pushed Toni away."let me get some tonight" Toni smacked her ass.

"No you cannot. " Toni leaned back looking over Janet body."stop staring Toni. You're starting to drool" Toni laughed and stepped back behind her.

"You just dont want me to mess your hair up. It's okay you know I'll get done." Toni began sucking on her neck again.

"No. That's not it. It's just what if she hear us. You know I cannot be quiet. Toni stop"

"Yeah you start screaming when I hit that." Toni started humping Janet. "Spot"

Janet started giggling while Toni kept rubbing against her." Well maybe you can-"

"Ms Janet I'm ready" the couple jumped apart nervously.

"Uh did I interrupt something? y'all look nervous " Janet nervously laughed while Toni rubbed the back of her neck.

"Um no. no you didn't. Come on let's go " Janet grabbed her belongings and followed taty to the door.

"Damn bae no love?" Janet turned around and peck Toni lips twice while taty stood in the doorway. "I love you"

"I love you too" Janet closed the door and her and taty got into the car.

"Have you ever gotten your hair straightened before?"

"Yea. When I was younger I used to go to the Dominicans. Lucy's on greenwood but they close down."

"Oh wow I used to go there until I met Toni and her sister started doing my hair and I found out they were sneaking perm in their conditioner."

"Wow really?"

"Yeah one of my homegirls told me and then other people started talking bout it. That's probably why they shut down"

"Can we stop somewhere and get some to eat. Please?"

"You read my mind. What you want? It's a chic fil a up here a Wendy's and a krispy krunch up the road."

"chic fil a is fine." Janet nodded and headed up to chic fil a line ordering her and taty food.

Pulling up to Traci salon taty and Janet got out the car throwing their stuff in the trash that was on the curb.
"Hello, Hello" Janet open the door seeing Traci and Trina sitting at the front desk. "Hey sissy. Hey lil mama.Whew look at all y'all damn hair. Chile I'm gonna be here all day."

"Well this is your profession " they laughed. "Okay what y'all doing today."

"A deep conditioner and silk press both trim. That's good with you taty."

"Yes. That's fine"

"Okay lil mama you first baby. " Traci walked her over to the shampoo area and started her hair. "Trina you ain't here for free. Start washing Janet."

"Uhhhh come on Janet "

"Don't get mad at me." Janet push Trina shoulder. Trina laughed turning on the water. "All this damn hair"

After getting their hair washed and sitting under the dryer for thirty minutes Traci and Trina were rinsing taty and Janet hair. "Trina blow Janet hair out. I'll straighten it." Taty sat in Traci chair."let me know if I'm hurting you okay?" Taty nodded. The music played in the background while the ladies got their hair blown out. While Trina was finishing up she noticed two red marks on the side of Janet neck. "Janet I know your grown ass is not sitting up here with a damn hickey like some 16 year old girl." Janet hopped up and looked in the mirror covering up her neck.

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