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Taty POV

"Good afternoon Washington middle school. pardon this announcement. It is time for dismissal and a few announcements. Teachers please check your email for more information regarding our pto meeting next Thursday the thirteenth. The world famous chocolate is coming to town. For more information regarding the fundraiser please see Mrs dean in room 302. Students tomorrow is the first day of basketball tryouts. boys and girls please bring physical packet signed by parents and doctors.

"taty are you still trying out?" Sevyn asked.

"Yeah. Are you trying out too?"  She shook her head yeah.

"Okay class remember to finish your worksheet at home and bring it back tomorrow we will be having at test on Thursday for unit two." The bell rung. "Bye guys see you tomorrow."

"Taty do you wanna come to the boys and girls club with us today? It's kinda where all the kids hang out after school."  We walked towards our lockers which was next to each other.

"Um I have to asked. If they say yes then I'll get dropped off after I do my homework." I still don't know what to call Ms Janet and Toni. I want to refer to them as my parents but I don't know if it's too soon.

"Well just text me. I'm not going until after I finish my homework cause my mama don't play that."

"Hey guys." Cam and Savannah walked up to us.

"So taty you wanna come to the boys and girls club?" Cam asked.

"Sevyn already asked. I have to see what um my parents say." That felt right saying I kinda smiled inside.

"Okay. Y'all still trying out?" Savannah. Asked.

"Yeah." We walked outside and it was kinda chilly likely I had my big jacket.

"Y'all gonna get it and we gonna be right on the side cheering."

"Well imma be cheering in the stands cause I'm not trying out for that team." Cam said. She had a little beef with the cheerleaders that were already on the team because they were mean and think their better then everybody and from what I was told cam don't take no shit. I looked up and seen Toni big black truck.

"Well my rides here. I text you guys and let you know if  I'm coming or not."

"See you." They said in sync. I waved bye and walked to the car.

"Hey taty" it was only Toni in the car so I got in the front seat.

"Hey. Where Ms Janet?" She pulled out the carpool line.

"Shopping somewhere with mama Kat. How was school?"

"It was good not that much homework which I'm happy bout. Um after I'm done my homework can I go to the boys and girls club."

"Well I was gonna take you to shoots some hoops get you ready for them tryouts. but yeah you can go hang with your friends."

"No it's fine we can go play ball. I can hang out with them another time. "

"You sure?"

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Nah come this way. Jab again." Me and Toni been at this gym for about 40 minutes now and she actually a know a lot about basketball. "Let me see." I handed her the ball. "Guard me." She was showing me how to jab. "This way. Jab your body this way. So they come through your body. Jab again. " I jabbed." Again come on." I did again."there you go now you got it. Make sure you don't hesitate with bringing that ball over with you. Now jab in." I ain't gonna lie I was sweating bullets but hard work pays off.

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