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Tatyana pov

I was woken up to the smell of burnt bacon. "Oh lord" I looked over at the cable box and it was 12:15. I definitely slept good last night cause I don't ever sleep in this late but then again I ain't ever sleep on a mattress this comfortable. Jumping out of the bed I went to the bathroom and did my little hygiene which wasn't much just brush my teeth and wash my face and apply a little bit of Vaseline on my face taking my braids down fluffing my hair out. Stepping out the bathroom I made up the bed and cut the tv off before placing the remote on the nightstand.

Walking out the room the burnt bacon smell grew stronger. "Babe just let me do it cause you burning it. " I heard Ms Janet say.

"Janet it's fine nobody like they bacon soggy"

"and nobody like it burnt" I giggled a little walking down the steps I made eye contact with Toni.

"good morning "

"morning " 

"you hungry?" Toni asked.

"Yeah a little" I sat at the dinning table that had view of the kitchen and watch them cook breakfast.

"Okay we have eggs waffles bacon and sage sausage. You want everything?"ms Janet yelled.

"Yes please." Ms Janet made me and Toni plates.

"Here you guys go" wow this look so good.

"Thank you" she smiled and sat down across from me while Toni sat the head of the table.

"You want juice? We have orange, fruit punch and grape?" Toni asked

"Orange juice"


"I'll take orange juice." Toni brought back three glasses full of orange juice.

"With this house I'm surprised you guys don't have and servants doing all this for you." I said.

"Well we really don't like strangers in our home and plus we ain't disable we can do it ourselves." Toni said.


"why you sorry?" Ms Janet asked.

"Because you said you don't like strangers in your home and I'm a stranger."

"Oh no honey we didn't mean it like and it's not your fault but we'll figure it out." She reached over and touched my hand.

"So Janet is gonna take you out to get some stuff okay? You know like clothes and whatever else you need."

"Thank you"

"no problem. Baby take my card I'm gonna go upstairs to get ready."

When I was done eating ms Janet took my plate and straighten up the dining table.

"Can I have those clothes you washed I don't have anything to put on to go out." I asked.

"Sure honey they're in the laundry room let me get them."

"Here you go" I was hit with the smell of laundry detergent it smelled so good. My clothes never smelled this good I always used to smell like smoke mix with some cheap perfume I was able to steal out of family dollar.

"Wait I didn't even show you around the house." Ms Janet paused what she was doing."come on let me give you a tour"

"Okay so this is the living room you seen that last night. We really don't be in here unless we have company. " we walked down a long hall Leading us to a big red door."now this, this is Toni office" she open the door to this big room where it had a desk , a big flat screen tv on the wall , lots of sports stuff and pictures of Ms Janet on the wall. I can tell she was obsessed with Ms Janet."this is where she usually is when I get on her nerves." She laughed."now this " she walked me to another across from the one before. "This is my sanctuary."it was pink and gray room with pictures of black girl magic quotes on the wall.

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