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"Mamas" Toni called out for Janet. Janet was downstairs washing Taty clothes. "Baby." Toni walked downstairs seeing Janet wasn't in the living room nor the kitchen.

"In here." She walked in the laundry room seeing Janet bent down. She spotted her red thongs under her nightgown. "Wassup baby." Janet turned around to her wife who immediately hugged her.

"Nothing just needed to feel up on you. I love you."

"I love you too baby." Janet pecked Toni lips before going back to doing the laundry. Toni wrapped her arms around Janet while she moved around the laundry room. After starting the washer the couple moved to the kitchen. "Baby guess what I've been craving."


"Tomatoes and chocolate."

"Janet what the hell? You don't even like tomatoes."

"I know right. I was watching the cooking channel and someone was cutting up tomatoes and my mouth got so watery and for some reason I wanna dip it in chocolate." Toni scrunched up her face.

"Janet that's nasty."

"I'm sorry but this baby clearly has a mind of its own." The doorbell rung."who's that?" Toni shrugged and stood up going to the door. Janet walked closely behind her. Opening the door they were met with a delivery guy with a big package.

"Janet what you order?" Janet scrunched her face up.

"I didn't order nothing. What's the name."

"It's Janet Braxton ma'am." The delivery guy said.

"Oh i didn't order nothing so take it back. Might be something dead" Toni laughed.

"I ordered something babe and put your name on it I was just playing." Toni laughed pulling the boxes in house."thanks man." Toni dapped the delivery guy and sent him on his way.

"What you order?" The couple made their way into the living room.

"Stuff for you and the baby." Janet smiled.

"Babe you don't even know what it is yet."

"That's why I got stuff that's unisex."opening the box she pulled out several white onesie, boxes of pampers, wipes, bottles, neutral color blankets. "Okay that's all the stuff I got for the baby." She pulled out more stuff. "And this is for you." It was a tote bag filled with things like bubble baths, coco butter to prevent stretch marks, Vaseline, epson salt, pregnancy tea, and goodies.

"Aw thank you baby." Janet felt a tear drop down her face.

"You're welcome babe. I want you to have the best pregnancy experience. I love you."

"I love you too." Janet sat the bag down and kissed her."I wanna suck your dick now." Janet rubbed her.

"You are so nasty. " Janet got down on her knees pulling out Toni member.

"And you love it."

Meanwhile on the other side of town taty and Amanda was on her way to her house. Amanda had taken taty out to eat to celebrate her winning the finals and taty wanted to see her house. "Okay and here we are."

"Ouu this is nice. "

"I know it might be small compared to where you live now." Amanda joked. "Let me give you a little tour." Amanda had a two bed room apartment.

"I like it's nice. So when can I meet this boyfriend." Taty smirked.

"In due time. I told you he's always working. You want a snack?"

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