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Chaeyoung's POV 

I've woke up by a single cry, I wonder what is happening. I heard a familiar voice crying while someone is trying to calm down the woman kept crying. From what I heard they sounds like their mourning for a person. I suddenly heard someone.

"You've been lying for a bad dream His Majesty. Wake up now and came to us Father. Mother can't take it anymore. I'm begging Father. Wake up from this, I know you're a fighter. Fight Father." A voice of little boy but he sounds seriously. I suddenly felt somone carressed my hand. It's so warm, a warmth I always felt when Jennie tocuhed me. I know this is Jennie's soft hand. I heard her talk and I tried to hold her too. 

"My Love, if you ever hear me I want you to know that your lovely Queen is safe. I'm safe My Love and look Jenchae is here for you. He wants to see you wake up and he yearns for you so much. Jangmi can't go here as she don't want to see you like this. I begged you My Love, come back to me. It has been six weeks and you've become a great King to Josoen Kingdom. I love you Park Chaeyoung, i begged you. Wake up fro this long sleep." She said beggingly and I felt her kissed my knuckles. I tried so hard to move my hand and I succeed. I gripped Jennie's hand and I suddenly heard her grasped. She immediately told the little boy who's named was Jenchae, my babyboy. She told him to gather the royal physician I remember everything from what happened why I'm lying here in this bed, from being a parent for a decade and a King to Josoen Palace 

I slowly opened my eyes and bright light came on me, when I adjust to the light, I saw a beautiful goddess infront of me with tears on her eyes and tiredness on her face. I suddenly felt her embrace me and I hugged her back. She cried again in my shoulder. 

"I thought we lost you My Love. Please don't ever risk your life againike that. I can't take it when you got sick like this. I'm so worried about you, Jangmi can't go here as she can't look in this saltae you're at." She said and kissed her head. 

"I'm so glad you're fine, Jenchae and Jangmi is fine too right? I want to see them My Love. I hope they won't get mad for what happened." I said and I heard the maid tell that  the physician and Jangmi is here with his brother Jenchae. I first saw my grown up little lady before, she rjn towards me and hugged me so tight. Luckily I already sat up when Jennie talked to me. I hugged Jnagmi too and she cried on my shoulder. 

"I have yearned for you more than before when you left me Father. Don't ever leave liek this again Father. I can't  let you leave like thag again Father. Me, Mother and Jenchae is sad without you. I love you Father. Mother become restless and she can't sleep properly." She said and I carresed her head. 

"I'm here now, My Jangmi-ah, I won't leave again. I love you too My Jangmi-ah." I said and I saw my Jenchae. He is 7 years old and he's more mature than his age. I signalled him to get close to me. Jangmi pulled away and Jenchae hugged me tightly. 

"You're so bad Father. You made Mother cried evey nighg, she was hurt and it's because you left her. I don't want to see Mother crying Father. Don't ever leave like that again. We thought you left us and I can't take it, I'm not able ti protect Jangmi-noona and Mother, I still need you Father to teach morw and learn from you more. " he said softly and cried too. Did I leave to long? They cried so much. I caressed his back.

"I promise to not leave again Jenchae-ah. I won't let Mother Jennie cry again. I'm sorry for what happened to me. I promise to make up for everything. I have taken a long nap and now, all I want is to serve again for all of you." I said and all of them hugged. I saw Jennie and she looked like she's about to cry and I kissed her cheek and whispered. "I love you." I said softly. My kids pulled away from me and left the cabin to give me and Jennie some time. I suddenly remember what happened and asked Jennie about it. 

"What happened before I got sleep for a long time? Did Lim Clan surrendered? " I asked as I can't barely remember everything when I got stabbed. She take a sit beside me and shook her head. I looked at her and she directly looked on mine. 

"You've killed the person who proposed a marriage with you, the person who lead Lim Clan and the person who want to kill me. She's Lim Yeonah, she wants to marry you as she will get a share from the wealth you had, while she wants to kill me as I ordered the royal Guards before to kill her father for being a traitor in his own land. Lim Clan didn't surrender and when you were stabbed multpile of times, your Unbreakable Knights avenge you and killed every living Lim Clan. Within 6 weeks they ask permission from me to deploy them in killing every person who had  blood of Lim Clan and because I was blinded by my rage when I saw you lifeless and had multiple of wounds in your body, I let them go and they came back last week. They reported that no blood of Lim Clan is living. I told you I can be cruel and merciless to my enemy especially if its for my loved ones." She said and took my hand. "I don't want you to repeat this act again Park Chaeyoung. What you did is reasonable but you don't have to put your life at risk. I can't saw you soaked by your own blood. When I saw you that night brought at the Palace, I can't utter a single word and all I can think is why did that happened to you. I regret of permitting you to send on that attack towards the location of Lim Clan. I will never make this mistake again, I almost lost you My Love." She said with her soft but sad voice.  I carresed her hand and took it gently then put it in my lips. 

"I will never do that again My Love, your tears and sleepless nights makes me worried too. You should sleep more now that I'm awake. I will watch over you and keep you safe at all times. I love you so much Jennie and I told you I will do anything for you even if it risk my life. I will never forget that. Sleep for awhile My Love, sleep here beside me. I will not leave you while you sleep." I said softly and she went closer to me then hugged me so tight. She put her head on my neck. 

My life here in this era is unexpected and unforgettable. If I will die again, I would like to be here and never leave this era ever again. I won't exchange my life in this era to what I had in my own era because here I found my true love, my soulmate and my contentment. Jennie and my kids became my strength and I will always cherish, protect and love them. I won't let anyone harm them. 

A life with the one you love is worth more than every diamonds in the world.

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