Worth the Wait (1 of 2)

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My cell vibrated in my back pocket and I gritted my teeth. If this was Tim canceling again when he was already this late, my head might explode. I set my half-empty Long Island Iced Tea on the bar and checked my message.

Ava: Is he there yet?

I sighed and sucked down the rest of my drink. Glancing around the crowded bar, I hoped to see my boyfriend of four months, but no, of course, he still hadn't arrived.

Me: Not yet.

Ava: Girl! Dump his ass! What are you waiting for?!

She was right. I knew it, but I hated it.

Was he a bit of a jerk? Yes.

Did he treat me like an afterthought most of the time? Yes.

But, did he have a good job, and the ability to make me come about a third of the time? Also, yes—or well, at least a quarter of the time.

So, a little bullshit might be worth it. Especially with my thirty-fifth birthday right around the corner. The dating pool was shrinking and becoming more of a dating toilet.

Me: He'll be here.

Ava: He's over an hour late and when he gets there, he'll be an asshole.

She wasn't wrong about that either. Though, to be fair, his job was stressful. I couldn't blame him for being frustrated after a long day. But if he was acting like this after only four months together, how would he be treating me later? Folding my arms on the edge of the bar, I let my head drop on top of them.

"Ready for another, hun?"

I peeked up to find the bartender standing in front of me with an understanding smile. "Yes, please."

Within a minute, she set a fresh drink in front of me, but when I tried to pay, she waved it off. "He covered it."

The bartender pointed to the corner, where a group of about fifteen people took up three tables. I squinted and tried to figure out who would've paid for my drink. A hand went up and my jaw dropped as I spotted Javi, my high school boyfriend, waving at me.

Eighteen years later, and he was still the hottest guy in any room. Those dark eyes pinned me in place as highlights from senior year raced through my mind. Laughing with Javi in math class even though it was my least favorite subject—his bright smile lighting up the room. The explosion of tingles that filled my body any time he turned up with a smirk and all his attention on me.

Most of all, I remembered the heartbreak that left me in tears graduation night when he left with his mom right after the caps were thrown. They had a flight to catch, and he wasn't coming back. We knew it was coming, but that didn't make it hurt any less.

He moved to the other side of the country while we were too young to change anything. I had college starting in a couple of months and he had a job lined up with his uncle. We stayed in touch for a while, but life got in the way. It'd been at least fifteen years since our last chat, but there he was.

My face warmed as I waved back and spun my stool around to stand. Then Tim showed up, blocking my view of Javi and kissing my cheek. "Let's get a table, babe. I'm hungry." Not even an apology for being so late.

"Okay." I responded automatically as I shifted to peer around him.

Javi winked and nodded at Tim when I met his eye. He was saying hello, but keeping his distance now that he saw I was with someone. He turned to the stunning woman sitting beside him and my heart sank. Maybe he was with someone too. But then why would he have sent me a drink?

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